All posts tagged "Actress"
Taiwanese Model, Actress & Host Joye
July 4, 2018在台灣出生,在台灣長大,但去年開始因為工作的關係來到日本,目前在日本也繼續從事模特兒的工作,不過台灣的工作也還是沒有間斷,因此現在比較像是日本台灣兩邊跑,但大部分時間都還是住在日本。 台湾で生まれ、台湾で育っています。去年から仕事のため、日本に来ました。日本でもモデルの仕事を続いています。台湾での仕事も続いてやっていますので、台湾日本行ったり来たり感じとなります。でも基本は日本にいる時間の方が長いです。 I was born in Taiwan and also grew up in Taiwan. Last year, I...
Film Maker, Actress & Singer Lana MacIver
June 9, 2018Thanks, it’s my pleasure! I am of Scottish and Lebanese heritage and I spent my teen...
Indonesian Model & Actress Gabriella Cecilia
June 7, 2018Hey SimplySxy, I’m from Indonesia. I’m 17 years old, I’m a model and also an actress....
Actress, TV Host & Model Erin Marie Garrett
February 18, 2018What is your proudest achievement so far? Working in TV and film is the ultimate rush...
Actress and Model Jenna Nolen
February 7, 2018Hi Jenna it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers...
Singer & Actress Cassandra Spykerman
January 31, 2018Hi Cassandra it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers...
Australian Actress & Singer Songwriter Isla Noir
January 24, 2018Hi Isla Noir it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our...
Actress & Internationally Published Model Allison Ronconi
January 12, 2018Hi Allison it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers...
Actress, Model & Yoga Teacher Lishan
January 4, 2018Hi Lishan it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers...
Filipina British Actress Sara Beatriz
December 20, 2017It is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy, Sara. Please share with our readers a...