Twice in 2012 and once in 2013 I was falsely arrested, questioned, sent court and ended up in Altcourse Prison in Liverpool. The charges were stalking and harassment. So hello, how could I be talking about convicted love?
Now, I am given a restraining order saying that, I cannot mention the so called victim, her boyfriend or their families or else I could be arrested and sent to prison. This restraining order extends to my family, my friends and any third person acting for or against me. And yet her friend in the Daily Post North Wales got the story published in every tabloid rag in the UK. Sometimes twice or more times. And even on BBC Wales.
This might sound bit strong and some will say far-fetched, but seeing as the victim has friends in North Wales Police Force, it was not surprising that many I have met said they were victims of North Wales Farce. Ooops. Force. Actually prison was not too bad. The judges, magistrates, police and prison officers and politicians pays for the food, water work, education and health care. In fact each service pays for itself; from tax of cause.
However, what I really mean by not too bad is, I met several gorgeous young men, aged between 18 and 30, all who seemed found me attractive. I think they need glasses, or was it a put up. An attempt to get me in trouble or to get my hopes up just to have them dashed.
One chap was with his mates in the showers after football practice. As I walked past, he dropped the soap. So I said “Ooops, don’t drop the soap in the showers, Matty”. At which he smiled ran out of the showers, bent over and stretched his cheeks to show his sweet ass hole. And in front of everyone he said “I’m yours. Fill me.” Basically declaring his feelings. If we hadn’t of been in prison with everyone watching, I might have.
When I was leaving the prison at the end of my first sentence, an 18 year old cute guy said to me, “If you come back, I’ll get you in bed!” That was a definite sexual threat/promise. Another time, a lad wanted to see what films were on that night but had no TV guided. So I told him could look at mine. As he pushed my wheelchair back to the pad, that’s the name many give their cell, he said “And what else will we do to each other whilst we are there?” He was 19 and hot as hell but again I had to hold back.
In fact, there has always been a dispute over the right age of consent. Once I was told the age of consent is 16 but then again I told that by a 16 year old. Anyways by law, anyone 18 and above is an adult. And technically, an adult should be with other adults. Not 16 and 17 year olds. Oddly by the same law, anyone in prison aged from 18 to 21 is called a young offender. Which is the term used to describe someone below 18 outside of prison. So are they adults or not?
So how can I call it love when nothing happened? Well, for many, it was not for lack of trying. Though I could have said yes, to any and all offers. Was a quick fling worth the hassle? I was in prison only for about two months at any one time.
And yet if I had been able to meet any or all, under different circumstances, it very well could have led to love. Yes, I am still single. And there have been the odd times, when I have given and received the odd suck. Maybe, it seems I am neither fuck-able or worth a fuck. Maybe, I can only get love if it is convicted love?
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