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Anthony J F Mantova S.F.O.

Anthony J F Mantova S.F.O.

Born in Liverpool on the 11th October 1977 I have lived there for 30+ years when my Parents moved to North Wales where we now live. I was asked to come with them as I was going through some health concerns, on 4th October 2009, The feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, who with St Anthony Padua, are my patron Saints.

Due to the connection, I first decided to become a priest or brother of the first Franciscan order (the second order wouldn't have taken me as sisters/nuns). In August 2001, I became a member of the Third Order of St Francis, a Secular Franciscan. Now I can guess many of you are yawning while reading this, so what's so different, why write for SimplySxy? Well I am GAY and openly gay.

This may upset the church, though it is becoming more lenient/tolerant of homosexuality; after all it is human nature. And secretly behind closed doors, there are many gay clergy and brothers who are still in the closet.

I do have a habbit but only to be worn on special days such as Christmas, Easter, etc and Franciscan Sts days St Francis 4th October (our founder) St Clare 1th August both from Assisi; but I can also be buried in the habbit on my death.

So that's a little about me, I hope that wets your Adams apples, yes even the transgender people ;-)


Stories By Anthony J F Mantova S.F.O.

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