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Philippines Social Media Influencer Shaine Cabrito


Philippines Social Media Influencer Shaine Cabrito

Thank you for having me. It is indeed a pleasure to be interviewed by you. I’m Shaine Cabrito, a social media influencer based in Manila, Philippines. I am an outgoing person who loves to spend time exploring what the Philippines and the rest of the world has to offer.

What is your fashion style like and where do you love to shop from?

My favorite fashion/go-to style would be wearing baggy pants with a pair of white sneakers. I love how versatile this combo is, you can easily pair it with either plain tops, etc. On the other hand, I buy most of my clothes at Zara because of its unique style and quality.

Do you have any hobbies and interests?

I am currently learning on how to play the piano. On the other hand, as mentioned above, I love to travel around the world. My favorite country so far is Japan <3.

To be honest, I already miss traveling. I miss the feeling of wandering around the streets of an unknown country and exploring its culture. Hope this pandemic gets better already.

Which 3 things do you enjoy doing most in the city you live in?

Trying out different restaurants, coffee shops and going to art museums.

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a risk taker are you?


If you could meet anyone past or present, who will it be?

I would love to meet my past self (at around the age of 18-20 years old) and give her advice on how to handle adulthood.

Would you rather have super sensitive taste or super sensitive hearing?

Super sensitive taste.

What do you not get about guys?

Cheating!! Like I don’t even understand the point of talking/hitting on other girls even though they already have a wife/girlfriend/fiancé. If they have problems with their partner, they should talk it out and fix it.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Shaine. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

My definition for “sexy” would be having confidence and intelligence. If you have both of these, no one will be able to stop/intimidate you.

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Images courtesy of Shaine Cabrito

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