Hello, thank you for featuring me on SimplySxy. My name is Holly Cooper and I am 20 years old living in the UK. I am a content creator focusing on fashion, beauty and lifestyle.
How do you describe your fashion style and where do you love to shop from?
I would say my fashion style varies. I love so many different styles such as 2000s, 90s, hippie/boho, cyber y2k it honestly varies in what mood I’m in and how much I want to experiment and get out of my comfort zone. I love shopping in loads of different shops, my favourite is Urban Outfitters but I also love H&M, Hollister, Missguided, SHEIN, Pretty Little Thing, Primark. I just love looking at different clothes no matter how cheap they are, you can always make a great outfit with cheaper clothes (you don’t need to use expensive big brands to have a great outfit).
Do you have any hobbies or interests?
I have a lot of hobbies, I love playing around with makeup and trying new styles and the main one is that I am a dancer, I’ve been doing it for 15 years and it is one of my main hobbies. The styles I do are jazz, tap, ballet and recently started pointe.
On a scale of 1-10, how much of an adventurer are you?
I would say I’m a good 9/10. I love adventuring whether that’s with fashion and trying new things or even if it is the outdoors and finding new places to venture.
If you could have a super power, what will it be?
That is a very good question, I would definitely say teleporting because I really hate traveling especially when it’s for a holiday so I don’t have to sit in traffic.
Can you recommend 3 things every tourist should experience in the city you live in?
The closest city to me would be London and that’s a huge tourist attraction as it is but I would say trying all the different foods my favourite place for that would be China Town. I am from the South so I would definitely say go to beachy places, my favourite being Hastings, so much history and places to go to but you also can’t beat an ice cream on the beach or fish and chips.
What is a typical day like for you?
I start off my day with my skincare as I love it and really helps wake you up and makes you feel refreshed in the morning. I work from home so it is really nice having comfy surroundings. After that, I then work on editing any Youtube videos or going over content I need to post and replying to emails and that’s really it apart from the odd occasion I go out with my boyfriend.
What turns you off on a date?
I feel like this is a really common answer but I would say if the guy is really cocky and full of himself.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Holly. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
Thank you for having me, it’s been a pleasure. The way I would define sexy would be self love. Being confident in yourself and believing in yourself is such a beautiful thing and loving yourself for who you are.
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