Hola! I am Rislen Dela Cruz, a 24-year-old theater actress from the Philippines. Usually the life of the party is what my friends and family would say. Also an aspiring influencer/vlogger and a Psychology graduate but hey, I can’t read minds! 🙂
How long have you been a theater actress and what do you enjoy about acting?
So I started when I was 12 and until now, nothing keeps me sane except for my dog and my passion for theater acting. I enjoy every single bit of it. From tireless rehearsal nights up until the actual nerve wracking performances. I enjoy learning and teaching, most likely the reason why at the age of 24, I still am craving to act, dance, sing and perform.
It is also because of the people I work with, the experiences and the lessons that I have gained helped me to become someone that my 12 year old self would be really proud of.
What is a memorable acting experience you have had before?
Well, I have been acting for almost half of my life and I can say that all are memorable because every show/performance is always different. Not unlike in television, theater acting has no cuts, pauses or retakes. Once you are on that stage, all you can do is show your audiences the fruits of your labor.
Is there any food or drink you can’t live without?
Water of course! Need I say more???
If you could change one thing about the world, what will it be?
For me it would be how society can easily dictate what a person can or cannot do, would or would not be. People nowadays allow this to happen simply because it is what they grew up with or the so called norm which sometimes does not apply to our current times anymore. We badly need an innovative and healthy approach.
Have you been in an embarrassing situation before that is funny now when looking back?
Yes! I have been in love with someone who turned out gay and made a crying vlog about it. Don’t get me wrong, I love and support LGBTQ. It’s just that he made me believe that we were going to work but on our first date after years of knowing each other, he bailed on me then I found out that he lied and was just out with his guy friends. At first I thought he was just vain or something but now I can confirm with his social media accounts that he is now really out in the open.
Would you rather be able to taste colors or see smells?
Any would do for as long as I still got my senses intact. Lol.
What turns you off on a date?
Liars, arrogance, men who talk negatively about their exes and play the victim. I mean, have some respect for the girl.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Rislen. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
Sexy is when someone appreciates him or herself and does not give a damn on what others would say. Whatever you do, people will have something to say. So just live your life and be happy for as long as you are not stepping on someone else’s toes!
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