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Model, Photographer & Makeup Artist Dorothy Dew


Model, Photographer & Makeup Artist Dorothy Dew

Hi Dew it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hi guys! My name is Tijana (silent J ;)) I’m 27 years old model, photographer and self taught makeup artist from Belgrade, Serbia. I live with my fiance and my two baby kittens and try to make my own art without boundaries.

When did you get started into modeling?

Ages ago, feels like it’s been a century already… Just kidding! I started being curious about modeling when I was 15. My friend started doing photography back then and needed someone to model for her, and so it all began. Afterwards I figured out that self-portraiture is a great way to express my aesthetics, so I started reading photography books and learning how to retouch in Photoshop.

Does being a photographer yourself make it easier when you are posing in front of the camera?

Definitely, and vice versa. Models I shoot are also usually really satisfied with the outcome of the pictures because I myself being a model too know how they want to look in pictures.

How will you describe your fashion style?

I try to avoid labels, and so therefore I’m inspired by many styles. Neo goth, baroque, new wave, 80’s, 90’s, sometimes pin-up, sometimes classical couture…  I’m Gemini and it’s usually visible that I am concerning how flexible I am in creating all of my characters. Most of the times I take certain fashion styles and turn it up a bit with makeup. I believe makeup is important factor in even making a rug look like high fashion. It all however depends on my mood on a particular day.

Do you believe in any superstition?

I can’t call myself a superstitious person, but I do believe in good and bad energy. I tend not to do anything that I wouldn’t like to be done to me.

Is there a story behind one of your tattoos?

Every single one of my tattoos has a story, but I also pay attention that my tattoos are pretty. I wouldn’t put a tattoo of a toaster on me only if it has a story for me. Every single of my tattoos was done in some important crossroad in my life.

If you could meet with anyone past or present, who will it be?

Franz Kafka, Andy Warhol, Tito.

What is the lamest attempt a guy has tried to get to know you?

Usually lame patterned messages via Facebook/social media, even if they saw that I’m engaged.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Dew. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

A certain vibe someone has. Also intelligence. It can be a look, it can be a character, but it starts with physical appearance, something that’s caught in my eye. Good manners are also important to me.

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Images courtesy of Dorothy Dew

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