Looking to organise an awesome party with bespoke cocktails? Then look no further as we meet entrepreneur Eunice Low to talk about her cocktail catering company Portrait2Mix, hobbies and how she prefers to drink her whiskey.
Hi Eunice, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions on SimplySxy. Please share with us a little about yourself and where you’re from?
I love to shop and follow up with the upcoming trends. And when I talk about trends, it’s not about following it blindly because not everybody can be in that particular outfit and give that WOW impression. I’d choose something comfortable rather than forcing myself to be in an outfit and feel uneasy the entire day. I’m from Singapore, the sunny island 🙂
Where did the inspiration to start your blog come from?
Because of the industry that I’m from, I meet a lot of people around the world. Therefore, I observe the different kinds of people along the way and just talk about fashion / bar-hops / cocktails / lifestyle and last but not least, personal opinions that I observe along the way on some topics. You can read more on my blog. http://ms-nice.blogspot.sg
As the co-founder of Portrait2Mix, can you tell us more about it?
As the Co-Founder of Portrait2mix , we do cocktail catering that provides (bespoke cocktails and mocktails). My mixologist and I believe that our company is all about being Fashionable, Passionate and Uniquely.
Not only must our bespoke cocktails taste good, it has to be presentable as well. All these services can be done for weddings / media launch / private parties / Corporate dinner (Dinner & Dance) etc.
Portrait2mix is a 1 stop service! I say this because we provide models & brand ambassadors for various company to create awareness to them during events. The latest event that we’ve done was (The Macallan Rare Cask), our brand ambassadors were there as well as our mixologist and bartender behind the bar. We did a bespoke cocktail specially for their event. As all our cocktails, you’ll never be able to have it at any other bar around the world unless you see our company at that particular event. If there are no requests, we will not re-use the concoctions.
Facebook Page & Instagram: (@portrait2mix).
Which are your favourite cocktails?
We’ve done many events over this one year, my favourite cocktail that my mixologist did was The Snowy Breeze. This cocktail was done during The Singapore Yacht Show 2015! The spirit was (Snow Leopard Vodka).
What’s the best way to enjoy a glass of whiskey?
The best way to enjoy a glass of whiskey depends on the person that is drinking. Because whether it’s a dash of water, on the rocks, neat or cocktail style, the taste will certainly be different. I’d prefer it on the rocks if you were to asked me to choose.
If you had the opportunity to time travel, where will you choose to go?
I’d choose to go to the future, so I’ll be prepared for what is coming my way. As well as to concentrate and do things better in order to have a better future!
Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion?
Nope. You define your own fashion, if you’re good then others will follow you.
What hobbies do you have?
My hobbies are definitely shopping!!! I have to attend events so I’ll not want to be sloppy, therefore I constantly shop for clothes as well as accessories. And during days when I have more time, I will book appointments for facial and at night to visit bars so I can share it with my readers on my Facebook.
It’s a great pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy, Eunice. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
Hmm Sexy? It’s about the attitude and confidence you have when you’re in an outfit.
Portrait2mix will be collaborating with Raintr33 Hotel Singapore / Cedro Bar & Bistro / Rachel Nailz! This event will be on 5th September 2015! The Manicure Gelish package was done specially for this event, whether it’s 1 tone or Nail Art. Pricing not exceeding ($40) & comes with a glass of drink.
** All guest will be given a $50 & $60 voucher off for room rates, that you can use it for staycation. A lifetime membership card with Raintr33 Hotel. As well as many other vouchers.
Follow Eunice Low on:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/euniceyounice/
Website: http://ms-nice.blogspot.sg/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eunice.younice
Images courtesy of Eunice Low
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