All posts tagged "Cosplay"
Cosplayer & Model Yuuno
October 28, 2018Hmm, I was a mega weeb and always attended anime events, hence I was quite familiar...
Cosplayer & Artist Lysi
October 14, 2018Hi, thank you so much for having me! My name is Elysia but I go by...
Florida Cosplayer Jessica Blais
August 30, 2018My inspiration to cosplay started initially when I first got introduced to anime back in 2005-2006....
Mexican Cosplayer Natasha
August 27, 2018Hello! Au contraire, it’s my pleasure to be here! I’m from Mexico in a small small...
California Cosplayer & Photographer, Taiga
April 25, 2018Hi everyone, I’m Taiga from San Francisco Bay Area, California. I’ve been a cosplayer and fashion...
Utah Cosplayer Zabracus
April 14, 2018My name is Whitney, but I go by Zabracus, pronounced ZAB-RUH-CUSS. Think AbraKadabra. I like to...
Tampa Cosplayer Alexis Victorious
April 5, 2018Hi! It’s great to be featured! I’m originally from New York City, but I’ve been living...
Cosplayer Marisa Noelle
January 18, 2018Hi Marisa it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers...
Cosplayer Meepy Sheepy From Florida
December 29, 2017Hi Meepy it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers...
Cosplayer & Model, Sai
December 23, 2017Hi Sai it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers...