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Cosplayer Marisa Noelle


Cosplayer Marisa Noelle

Hi Marisa it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hi! I am so excited! I’m from a small town in Northeast Pennsylvania and currently in my last semester of college. Despite being outgoing while in cosplay, I am actually quite shy so doing this interview is a huge step for me. I’m a video game nerd and am pretty addicted to The Nightmare Before Christmas. In saying that, I’m already planning for next Halloween!!

When did your interest in cosplaying start?

It started almost four years ago. My boyfriend and I were getting bored with our little town and wanted something different, we then started talking about the San Diego Comic-Con and how we really wanted to go. So we chose a small convention in Philadelphia called J1-Con. We cosplayed for the first time at our very first convention and I was hooked.

Is cosplaying a character a lot tougher than it looks?

It can be! Some characters are harder than others depending on how they look. The hardest character I’ve done so far has been Ahri from League of Legends. The tails took forever to make and I had to redo them multiple times in order to get them right and they were kind of uncomfortable, but hey it looked good!!

Which is the best compliment you have received?

The best compliment I ever got was from a young lady who recognized me from Instagram! She was so sweet and it made cosplaying more fun for me knowing that someone loved what I was doing.

How do you spend your free time?

When I’m not working or going to school I often play video games, watch Netflix/ Crunchyroll, and read on occasion. When a convention starts to come up, I start to look into materials for my next cosplay.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where will it be?

Japan of course!

Which superpower have you always dreamed of having?

Hmmm good question! I would choose flying! That way I could go to Japan as much as I want and not have to pay for airfare!

What is the lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

I was asked to audition to be a lead singer in a band by a friend of mine. The guitarist told me he loved my singing and we went to a moving to celebrate me being in the band. The band didn’t work out but I’ve been dating him for four years now so it worked!

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Marisa. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy to me is being able to be confident in your own skin and not caring what other people say. You want to cosplay, do it. You want to be the president, do it. You want to wear that beautiful black dress, do it. Being confident is so sexy and you shouldn’t be afraid to love yourself.

Follow the gorgeous Marisa Noelle on:


Twitter: @MarisaNoelleCosplay

Upcoming works: Next cosplays are Cardia from Code realize and the doll from Bloodborne

Images courtesy of Chad Harnish and Marlon David Photography

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