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Florida Cosplayer Jessica Blais


Florida Cosplayer Jessica Blais

My inspiration to cosplay started initially when I first got introduced to anime back in 2005-2006. I loved Full Metal Alchemist and Inuyasha and wanted to bring the characters to life, but never knew where or how to start. I didn’t start cosplaying until I got back into anime around 2014-2015.

Photo: @parker_photography_

Which is your most memorable cosplay experience?

One of my most memorable cosplay experiences was back in 2014 when I did my first ever cosplay, which was Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games. I didn’t wear a wig or put too much effort into the outfit, nor did I expect to get recognized. Near the end of the convention, someone called out “Katniss Everdeen!” in my direction and it made me feel so validated and excited. That was my first time being recognized as the character I was cosplaying.

Are there any common misconceptions about cosplayers you still hear of?

Oh yes, all the time. A lot of people think that cosplayers just cosplay for attention or to grow an online following, which is not the case at all. I have run into maybe 2 or 3 people EVER that I feel definitely do cosplay for the wrong reasons, but more than 99% of the cosplayers I’ve met cosplay simply because they love it and enjoy doing the hobby.

Do you have any other hobbies?

I am in school and work so I don’t really have much free time, but I do love to travel! Which is one of the things I love most about cosplaying. It enables me to do two of my hobbies at once.

Photo: Alyson Tabbitha

Can you describe a typical day like for yourself?

It all depends on the day. On work days, I usually work second shift so I will wake up around 10:30-11am and get ready for my day, then be at work shortly after and get out late in the night. Sometimes I go into work very early and get out in the afternoon, where I will then work on cosplay or relax at home with my family. I will also squeeze in some homework in whenever I can. On days off, I like to grab lunch with friends or work on cosplay. I also like to go shopping!

If you could have a super power, what will it be?

This is a question I get asked a lot and I always have a difficult time deciding. Maybe the ability to read minds? Or to heal others?

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

Haha, good question! I get quite a few “weird” messages from males that are trying to start conversation in a provocative way, which I do not welcome at all. I cannot think of a specific instance that jumps out at me, but I do deal with “attempts” on occasion.

Photo: Alyson Tabbitha

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Jessica. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I think the sexiest thing a person can be is confident and kind. There are many aspects to the word “sexy” as it is a broad term when you really think about it. Some people may use it to describe physical appearance only, others may use it to describe a person’s mindset or personality.

For me, I use it in conjunction with all aspects of a person. I personally think the sexiest people in the world are the ones that genuinely care for the well being of others, the ones who are not greedy, the ones who wants to see positive change in the world and are actively promoting positivity. On top of those things, if that person is also physically attractive in my eyes, they are Sexy with a capital “S”.

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Featured image courtesy of Alyson Tabbitha

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