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Behind The Scene: How Does Vlogging Help Gay Porn Stars To Truly Be Themselves


Behind The Scene: How Does Vlogging Help Gay Porn Stars To Truly Be Themselves

What might be your general reaction when someone tells you that they do porn for a living? Over half of the time, the reaction could be negative. After all, the porn industry has long been regarded as a source of negative social impact. Too much misunderstanding has been associated with its impact on the overall well-being of society, youth and the entire population that the general public can hardly gain any meaningful and objective insights of the industry itself. However, that might be about to change with some gay porn stars beginning to embrace vlogging as a way to introduce their true selves to the world.

Unlike most professions, being a porn star is often a lonely choice because behind the glamorous on-screen performances, porn stars can hardly talk to people about their work lives. Most of the time, people frown upon the idea of doing porn for a living, so porn stars usually don’t even bother to share their professional lives with people, including those around them. However, vlogging opens a new channel for them to talk about their lives and feelings without having to face the awkward or disgusted reaction from people that disapprove their identities as porn stars. Vlogging allows porn stars to achieve something mutually beneficial to themselves and the general public: an outlet to share their feelings and a way to gradually help the outside world learn anything about them.

In case you are looking for an example, you can check out the popular gay porn star, Rustin Low’s one year vlogging anniversary video. It can give you a pretty good idea about vlogging, the motivation behind it and how it really helps porn stars. And if you wonder why I spend time to write about this topic, I will tell you it is all about respect and compassion. As human beings, regardless of your sexuality, we have all benefited from the existence of porn in some ways. It satisfies certain aspects of our needs, and in some cases, it fulfills our fantasies about sex. However, we seldom pay respect to those who make porn possible, and what’s worse is we often judge them for performing in those videos that we watch to pleasure ourselves.

To do these porn stars some justice, I hope to help open a window for the world to learn a bit more about them and their daily lives. After all, every group deserves some respect, love and appreciation for what they do and contribute to the world. If being a porn star is a crime, then those who have ever watched porn should be judged as much as the porn stars do. Rather than judging, we should appreciate their courage and show some respect and support that they deserve. Then hopefully one day, porn stars can openly discuss their jobs with people without having to worry about any backlash.

Featured image courtesy of Shutterstock
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William is a freelance writer and photographer based in Taiwan, with tremendous passion for human rights and storytelling. He holds a Master of Journalism degree from Temple University, and has extensive experiences interning at global NGOs such as Human Rights Watch and Mercy Corps. He is currently teaching English at a mountainous elementary school in Hsinchu as his substitute military service, while still trying to find writing opportunities whenever he can. Contact William via email at


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