Read Part 1 of What Every Guy Should Do On A Dinner Date by Stephania Ricci
Here are the do’s
Always pull out the ladies’ chair at the restaurant.
Let her order first or ask if you can order for her.
Help her with her coat.
Try to make the date as romantic and intimate as possible – meaning if the restaurant has a quiet intimate area then be sure to book it; candles are also a nice touch and adds to the overall ambiance.
Compliment her.
Listen to her.
If you see her drink is getting low ask if she would like another one and then order her one.
Open the car door for her.
Always make sure she feels safe and protected from danger.
If her food is not cooked to her liking, summon the waiter and let him/her know what to do.
Be kind and considerate at all times.
Dress accordingly. Meaning if you are going to a 5 star restaurant, then you dress 5 stars.
Ladies love flowers so perhaps, buy her some beautiful flowers.
Always know beforehand where you are going to eat so she may look over the menu beforehand.
Always make a reservation.
Be sure to know if the lady has any dietary restrictions (for instance she may be a vegan or gluten free) and make sure the restaurant you want to go to would cater to her needs.
If you are hailing a taxi or uber, always open the car door for the lady and make sure she gets in first and when you exit the car, always offer your hand to help her out of the car.
If it is raining be sure to have an umbrella handy.
If she is cold and did not bring a jacket, offer her yours.
Always have good manners by saying please and thank you to your date and wait staff.
Stand up whenever she needs to leave the table and stand up again when she returns. One time I was on a date and a gentleman did this for me and I was incredibly impressed to say the least since you rarely see this anymore.

Don’t be late for the date or for your reservation.
Never be rude to the wait staff.
Don’t stiff the restaurant bill (I had a date do this to me one time when I first got into this business. It was very embarrassing and I learnt my lesson about listening to my gut feeling)
Don’t dress down.
Don’t bring up upsetting or depressing subjects at dinner.
Never flirt with another woman – your attention should always be on your date.
Don’t swear or tell racist jokes.
Never take her to a restaurant that has a salad bar, drive through window or children running around. I can guarantee if she is ordering her dinner through a clowns’ head, not only will the clown be your date for the rest of the evening, she will not be going out with you again.
Never talk with your mouth full of food or burp.
Do not text or use your phone unless it is an emergency. Both parties should turn their phones off for the date.
Do not smoke anything in front of her especially if she does not smoke cigars or cigarettes.
Do not do drugs or drink too heavily and get drunk.
Read Part 1 of What Every Guy Should Do On A Dinner Date by Stephania Ricci
Stephania Ricci is an Exotic International Courtesan who specializes in luxury dinner dates and travel companionship. She is also a Foodie, wine and fitness enthusiast. Follow her on Twitter @stephaniaricci1 and on her website
She is going to be starting a series of podcasts soon and if anyone would like to be informed the minute each one comes out, you may either follow me on twitter or sign up for my email list on my website.
Images courtesy of Stephania Ricci
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