There are reasons why women love wearing lingerie. For centuries, women have worn lingerie to enhance their feminine qualities. They’ve worn it to attract the opposite, or the same sex. Simply put, the top three reasons women wear lingerie are 1) it’s sexy, 2) it’s sexy, and 3) it’s SEXY! We live in a world today where unfortunately, assumptions have been made depending on what type of intimate apparel a woman is wearing. I’m going to take a wild guess here and state that those who make these theories have probably never worn lingerie before. Unless you are going commando ladies, you’ve all worn a set of lingerie.
Is there a color that is deemed much more sexy than the others? The answer is yes. Black lingerie is a color that many women and men prefer, with red and white riding tailing right behind. Nonetheless, why is it the color black favored by so many? Well, when some people think of lingerie, risqué intimates immediately come up to their mind. However, many may not know that there is far more than just slinky, risqué and racy lingerie. The variations in lingerie are like night and day.
There are so many reasons as to why women wear black lingerie. It’s not about whether anyone sees her in it or not, it is all about how she perceives herself and that strengthens her self-esteem. Women get as much satisfaction in wearing it as they do being viewed in it. Designers of lingerie cater to women’s needs. A modern woman loves exploring her sexuality and what better way to do it than to entangle themselves in luxurious lingerie? Ladies, it is time to unleash those inner desires and fantasies. Lingerie just isn’t something to wear for your partner to see behind closed doors in the bedroom. Being flirty and playful is fun and you can definitely kick it up a notch by pairing these up with thigh high stockings and heels. A few simple accessories such as a necklace or earrings are also sexy to wear with your intimates. There are also intricate laces, ruffles, sparkly gems along with ribbons and other embellishments on undergarments that add that sassy element to your bedroom piece. You can choose from an array of our most loved lingerie such as babydoll lingerie, chemises, cami-sets, erotic corsets, and breathtaking teddies.

And now, back to the question. Not only is black a slimming color, it is also deemed super sexy, thus being why it is loved by so many. Now, not all women like lingerie, but truth be told. When a woman slips into the right piece, it gives her a sense of confidence. It makes her feel pretty, sexy and even a little bit dominating. And who doesn’t want to feel pretty and sexy? With all of the colors to choose from, black is definitely a crowd pleaser. Black lingerie is appealing, intoxicating, and sensual. All women need to own those sexy matching sets to enhance their girlie figure and to cover up some of their flaws, and yes, we all have flaws. Some women also take to wearing body shapers and body enhancers to cover their flaws and make themselves feel more confident about their bodies.
With the huge variety of intimate apparel available to women, and with the vivid colors, various fabrics, and trendy styles, women don’t have to settle for just one or two specific types. Each woman knows her own personality, likes, dislikes, what makes her feel comfortable and what irks. In addition, it is better to buy lingerie that is of the right size or a size a tad bit larger than to go too small and have it rub against one’s skin or cause irritation to the skin and private parts.
Just like an obsession with handbags and shoes, sexy intimates should be a staple in any woman’s lingerie drawer and every woman should have at least a few pieces of black lingerie. Don’t be afraid of your body type. You don’t have to be skinny or a super model to wear lingerie. Choose your own vision of sexiness. Women of all sizes can wear beautiful and intriguing lingerie regardless of their body shape. Whether you choose to wear lace or leather, select a pinafore that you certainly will not lack luster wearing and make your choice the one that definitely will flatter your figure. Ohh-la-la!
Image courtesy of Michele Savin
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