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What’s the sexiest item in Ms Dimples wardrobe?


What’s the sexiest item in Ms Dimples wardrobe?

Who is Ms Dimples?

My real name is Amal. It’s an Arabic name which means hope. I was born in Saudi Arabia, grew up in the Philippines and currently living in Vancouver, Canada. I work for a commercial estate company and I have my own mobile makeup services. On my spare time I blog about fashion, beauty, travel and lifestyle.

How will you describe your fashion style?

Hmm… I love colorful clothes. I tend toward looking casual, yet pretty. Most of my clothes can go from day to night.


What’s the sexiest thing in your wardrobe?

My Christian Louboutin heels.

A must have in your life is?

Family. 🙂

What’s the most expensive item you have splurged on?

CL heels lol.


Give one example of a fashion disaster you have laid your eyes on.

Girl wearing hair extensions that were missing pieces. It almost looked like someone cut parts of the extensions. Omg! It was horrible! lol

If you had the chance to learn anything in this world, what will it be?

Design a spaceship. 🙂 lol

Which movie character best represents you?

Maybe Scarlett O’Hara :-p

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Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset

One fun fact about yourself not usually known?

I sing to my dogs. Like I make up songs. Haha! Is that considered being fun or crazy?

Craziest thing you’ve done?

Bungee jumping

What’s sexy to you?

Sexy is something you cannot buy. It is what you are. Being sexy is loving and accepting yourself for what you are. Be confident and you will be sexy.

Follow the exciting Ms Dimples for her latest works and upcoming projects on:

Instagram: @ms_dimples0428

Twitter: @ms_dimples0428
Snapchat: @ms_dimples0428

Images courtesy of Ms Dimples

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