Hi! I am Shi Hui and I am from sunny Singapore and I am a blogger, YouTuber, writer and author of, ‘Speed Dating: The Story of Dating 10 Guys in 3 Months’. I also live stream gameplays on Twitch as Gaming Migraine from time to time.
How long have you been a blogger and what made you decide to start your website?
I started IreviewUread in 2012 while I was in studying for my diploma. With a forgiving curriculum, I decided to open a blog for me to review beauty products. Back then, my only idea of skincare products is pimple cream and moisturizer. I gathered various complimentary beauty samples and researched more about the subject before crafting the blog posts.
Soon, companies started to endorse IreviewUread and the blog have been running ever since.
What content do you usually love to share?
When I first started, I focused on beauty products and services. Over the years, my interests broaden and I started reviewing lifestyle products and creating DIY tutorials. These days, I seemed to be going back to the basics of learning about my skin for I am simply obsessed with skincare products at this new age (the mid-twenties).
Are there any life hacks you can’t live without?
Create a skincare routine that you look forward to doing every day. Not only will the future you thank you, but it creates this important ‘me-time’ for you to take care of yourself daily before you rush off and hustle.
If you could be a cartoon character for real, who will it be and why?
I always wanted to be Clover from Totally Spies for she gets to hang out with her friends, go on these shopping trips around the world and try out these amazing gadgets. Of course, there’s the ‘risk your life against bad guys’ part but let’s be optimistic.
However, the older I am, the more I see the light in being a lazy lasagna eating cat, Garfield.
Would you rather be able to teleport or read minds?
I would choose to teleport for that means I wouldn’t need to get on a plane to travel to another country. Being on a plane is not my favourite thing. I guess, all those plane crash movies must’ve gotten to me. Additionally, teleportation means I would never be late for anything ever again.
On the other hand, reading minds may seem cool but do you really want to know what other people think about you all the time?
Do you follow a strict beauty regime to look so fabulous?
I do my skincare routine every day, twice a day. I remove all my makeup before I sleep. A tip for makeup users is to always remove your makeup from your eyes or you’ll get a stye.
What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?
I don’t normally have lame moments with people I just met but I do have the weirdest moment:
As a promoter back then, I encountered various unique individuals and one of them happens to be with another promoter.
At first, we chatted to pass time but after he ended his shift, he came over to find me to exchange numbers. Since I had a pleasant time working with him, I thought why not. However, his next move made me regret my decision.
He leaned towards me and tried to take a selfie of us together without my permission. I immediately stopped him and asked him what was he doing. He said he just wanted to take a photo to “remember this moment”.
Despite how creepy it sounded, I agreed to the photo for I merely wanted to get back to work.
After he left, he texted me telling me that he is a mutual friend. I then found out that he is in a relationship with my classmate’s good friend.
It made me question two things:
1. Why did he hit on me if he is in a relationship?
2. Was he sent as a spy?
Weirded out by the entire situation, I blocked him and never seen him again.
I spoke to my classmate after blocking him to realise that she barely remembers him and he has always come off as creepy to her.
With that experience, I learnt a valuable lesson: Stop giving out phone numbers to strangers.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Shi Hui. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I link sexy to confidence. It’s not just about how one dress or how one’s body looks. Instead, it is how you carry yourself and how you present yourself to the world. I believe that a confident person is the sexiest person.
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