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What turns Marilyn Kee on?


What turns Marilyn Kee on?

Who is Marilyn Kee?

I’m 22, a Scorpio, who is ready to explore the world and go on an adventure with you.

Currently loving my job as a Sales Representative of Malaysia No.1 Energy Drink.


What’s one fun fact about yourself?

Favorite past time would be watching sexy dancers’ doing their thing on stage. *wink wink*

What turns you on?

Well, just a kiss on my weak spot. It’s not difficult to find. Good luck with that!

Craziest thing you’ve done?

Get to know me, you might be the next craziest thing I’ve ever done.


Favorite drink?

That would be Baileys with milk comes after Sex on the Beach.

Spit or swallow?



Sweet, Salty or a little bit of both?

Salty, Yummm. But I don’t mind the extra chocolate sauce on top 😉

Which movie character best represents you?

Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. At first glance, people might think I’m superficial and silly; but I love the finer things in life, and that includes education and information. Setting goals for me isn’t about competing with anyone—it’s about the feeling of accomplishment and the joy of seeing the hard work pay off. There’s no reason why a successful woman can’t enjoy shopping for Chanel lipstick, and I won’t let anyone tell me otherwise. If people aren’t willing to give you opportunities, I’ll just make my own. I’m always ready to bring the best of every day. That means paying as much attention to my work as I do my manicure; and letting yourself be admired as much for your brains as your beauty.


Must have in your wardrobe?

Strapless bra! Most of my clothes are off shoulders. I don’t want to be showing off those ugly bra straps!

What’s sexy to you?

A buff dude with just a Calvin Klein trunks on. Kidding! Well, confidence is sexy in every woman. Be confident & stay fabulous!

Follow the sweet Marilyn Kee on:

Instagram: @marilynkee

Images courtesy of Marilyn Kee

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