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ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival: In the Turn《在转变》


ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival: In the Turn《在转变》

In the Turn
Director: Erica Tremblay
Country & Year: USA, 2014
English with Chinese Subtitles

In The Turn tells the story of the Vagine Regime, a collective of queer female roller derby enthusiasts whose passion for sport and ferocious sisterhood has empowered and inspired women and girls around the globe. The film follows several of their core members as they embark on new life journeys. One proposes to her long time girlfriend, another completes her journey to becoming a woman. At the heart of the story is a nine-year-old trans girl, who after years of bullying is inspired by the Vagine Regime to take up roller derby and regains her confidence and identity. As mothers, sisters, teachers and friends, they create a space through sport which is for all in a world which has so often given them none.


《在转变》讲述了Vagine Regime,一个酷儿女子轮滑俱乐部的故事。这些轮滑爱好者对运动的热忱以及动人的姐妹情谊不断激励着世界各地的女性。这部电影关注与几个俱乐部主要成员展开新的人生旅程时的经历。其中一个成员向她的长线女友示爱求婚,另一个则完成了从女孩到女人的过渡。故事的核心是一个9岁的变性女孩。在历经多年的欺凌后,她受到Vagine Regime的激励,拾起轮滑鞋,并重获自信与自我认同。作为母亲、姐妹、老师以及朋友,这些人通过运动的形式为所有常常不被世界所接受的人创造了一个包容的空间。

*For ShanghaiPRIDE full list of events please visit

Image courtesy of ShanghaiPride
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Muslim Sahib Torun

Muslim Sahib is a poet from Singapore. He is active in the poetry scene; performing in local open mics and is a regular slammer. He has participated in Contradiction 2014 (A night of LGBT literature), the Symphonic Slam for Lit Up 2014 (An Indie Arts Festival) and Singapore Writers Festival 2014. Muslim is also an LGBT activist. He contributes to the community by volunteering for Non-profit LGBT organizations and activity writing LGBT poetry that aims to bridge the gap heterosexual community and LGBT community. Muslim hopes that his poetry will make you laugh, cry and go “I feel you”.

Get in touch with Muslim via email at


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