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ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival: Queer Artivism《酷儿艺术行动主义》


ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival: Queer Artivism《酷儿艺术行动主义》

Queer Artivism
Director: Masa Zia Lenardic & Anja Wutej
Country & Year: Slovenia, 2013
Chinese & English subtitles

Shortly after coming out, filmmakers Masa and Anja found themselves at Ljubljana Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Their first encounter with the queer world left them wondering, ‘What are queer film festivals like outside of Slovenia?’ The result was Queer Artivism, a wild roadtrip through a landscape of queer film festivals. This hit documentary takes in five cities and five festivals on a shoestring budget. Why are film festivals important, how do movies advance our movement? Follow them as they explore the places that inspire and the people who organise celebrations of art and activism in the queer cinema.


出柜后不久,电影人马萨和安佳来到了卢布尔雅那同志电影节。她们与酷儿群体的第一次接触让他们发问:“斯洛文尼亚外面的酷儿电影节是什么样子的?”这个问题最终促成了Queer Activism,一次穿越众多酷儿影节的疯狂旅行的诞生。这部热门纪录片以极为微薄的预算记录了五座城市与五场电影节。电影节为什么很重要,电影又是如何推进我们的运动的?追随他们的脚步,一起探索那些鼓舞人心的地方以及那些在酷儿影线组织活动庆祝艺术与平权运动的人们。

*For ShanghaiPRIDE full list of events please visit

Image courtesy of ShanghaiPride
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Muslim Sahib Torun

Muslim Sahib is a poet from Singapore. He is active in the poetry scene; performing in local open mics and is a regular slammer. He has participated in Contradiction 2014 (A night of LGBT literature), the Symphonic Slam for Lit Up 2014 (An Indie Arts Festival) and Singapore Writers Festival 2014. Muslim is also an LGBT activist. He contributes to the community by volunteering for Non-profit LGBT organizations and activity writing LGBT poetry that aims to bridge the gap heterosexual community and LGBT community. Muslim hopes that his poetry will make you laugh, cry and go “I feel you”.

Get in touch with Muslim via email at


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