As part of the Pornography special feature, SimplySxy takes this opportunity for an interview with Joclyn Stone, the OC MILF from California. Inside Joclyn shares a tip to hook up with MILFs and explains the meaning of “dick drunk“.
SimplySxy: What are your favourite scenes to shoot?
Joclyn Stone: All of them, I love every scene. I do each scene like I will never have sex again, they are all special and I adore each person, each set, the energy the crew brings to the scene….each experience as an individual is awesome! So…… I hope that explains my strange way of thinking 😉

SimplySxy: In some quarters, pornography has been blamed for the lack of sex in relationships. Do you agree on this?
Joclyn: I am answering in two parts, hang in there…..
Yes I do believe that porn can be a true cock block. Since I do so much fetish filming, I see that men and women alike will hide their true desires in fear that they will be judged. So they get comfortable with hiding what they truly like and alienate their significant others.
When it comes to a speedy way of a “quick cum or jerkoff session” you tend to lose the foreplay concept, the closeness, the fact that cumming is only the “grand finale“. Don’t lose touch by the close up of the pussy on the computer or iPad, you may rewrite your brain by accident and it is hard to cum back from.
SimplySxy: Can you share with us one funny/awkward/embarrassing moment that have happened on set?
Joclyn: I get “dick drunk“, when I get into the scene, what happens is my brain shuts down and I am only into that person, all communication goes out the door and I am as dumb as a rock and just a f**k monster. I have fallen off a bed trying to talk to a director and my favourite word when they make me stop f**king is, “why” and when they tell the guy it is time for the pop shot, I usually say “already“. Dick drunk is very embarrassing ;-/
SimplySxy: Is there any particular preparation required for a gangbang scene as compared to say a mother-daughter scene?
Joclyn: I prep my body the same for every scene. But with a gang bang (it) is fun because they are all manhandling me, it is less work if you think about it… Lol yes, cheating, I know.

SimplySxy: In your opinion, what is the most important trait one must have to succeed in the porn industry?
Joclyn: It is a f**king business not a dating service. Ooh, and if you aren’t getting paid keep your pants on. Drugs and alcohol are not something you should need to do your job. If you need them, you are in the wrong business.
SimplySxy: For all MILF fans out there. Let us in on some secrets to hook up with one.
Joclyn: Manners and communication.
“Aaa ah, mami” and I’d hit that, are not a pick up lines they are requests to be humiliated in public. Do not tell a mature woman you know how to get her off, or what she needs, she will destroy you while she bakes cookies. You mind your manners and she will let you in her panties. A humble man is sexy. Use your brain and you will get what you are wishing for.
SimplySxy: Which do you prefer? Anal, vaginal or oral?
Joclyn: Vaginal, I don’t do anal, and I don’t deep throat (all though I love sucking cock) so since I have control over my pussy muscles it is my most favourite toy ever 😉
SimplySxy: Have you ever had sex outdoors? Were you caught in the act?
Joclyn: At this point I think I have has sex everywhere. No, I do not ever have sex where I can get caught because doing porn, well indecent exposure would not be a conversation I would like to have in a court of law … Lol
SimplySxy: What do you think men should do more to ensure their loves are satisfied in bed?
Joclyn: Ask, and if she cannot communicate clearly, watch a little porn with her and see what she likes and try it. Have her look stuff up and choose what she wants to try. I cannot say communication more. It is key to all.
SimplySxy: Allow our imagination to run wild. Do you have any sexual fantasy that has not yet been fulfilled?
Joclyn: No I don’t think so, I do want to have a private party dungeon in Vegas, that would be a huge fantasy of mine 😉
A message from you to all your fans and the SimplySxy readers:
Thank you fans, fans that have become friends by coming to live events, and newbies who will be googling my 42″ ass when they are done reading this. I am nothing without you and I will never forget that. Thank you!!!
Images courtesy of Joclyn Stone
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