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What Is The Standard Sexual Frequency For Each Age?


What Is The Standard Sexual Frequency For Each Age?

It is a mistake to think that age does not interfere with sexual intimacy between four walls. This is because studies have shown that age plays an important role in factors such as frequency and quality of sex life.

But… what is the average number of sexual relations for each age? Do young people have much more sex than adults, as one might imagine?

No doubt this varies by age, depending on various factors, such as health, libido and lifestyle.

According to an American study by the Kinsey Institute for Research on Sex, Gender and Reproduction, the tendency is to decrease over the years and even vary from once a week to once a month.

Sexual frequency by age

In summary, the study says that young people between the ages of 18 and 29 have approximately 112 sexual relations a year, corresponding to three encounters a week. Then adults between the ages of 30 and 39 have an average of 1.6 sexual relations per week. And those known as mature, have 69 relationships a year, or 1.3 relationships a week, which is a little more than half compared to the youngest.

But, what are the factors that influence each stage?

Undoubtedly, the research result is related to the passing of the years, the stress of daily life, the obligations and family routine, including also the loss of physical and mental fitness, which are certainly aggravating for the decrease of sexual frequency.

The scientific journal The Journal of Sex Research, also published that the physical changes that happen as the years go by, added to feeling older, can influence overall ability.

In short, these studies point out that as we age, our chances of developing chronic health conditions increase and end up negatively affecting the frequency and quality of sexual activity.

Marriage and sex

Naturally, as you can imagine, marriage has its share of blame when it comes to sexual frequency. This is because 34% of married people have sex between two and three times a week, 45% have it a few times a month and 13% only a few times a year. This often leads to infidelities with acquaintances or professionals, such as escorts from Skokka.

In other words, marriage is an essential reason for sexual frequency, because in addition to 34% admitting to having sex between two and three times a week, the research concludes that married or engaged people who have sex on a regular basis are arguably happier, not having frequent need for the practice. Sex is more enjoyable when relationships per week reach an average of four or more times, compared to those who have sex only once in the same period.

As far as this “enjoyment” is concerned, the researchers state that it is the more mature and committed women who enjoy relationships more, because with age they get to know themselves, and also the couple, since even though they don’t have sex as regularly as in their younger days, the quality undoubtedly outweighs the quantity.

No doubt, with time, women focus less on the sexual frequency and more on the emotional and intimate points of sex, also emphasizing the knowledge of their own bodies.

It is clear then that relationships without commitment do not compare in quality with those of a steady, married relationship.

Does sexual interest wither with age?

We immediately reassure everyone by answering no. According to another study conducted on the sexuality of men and women between the ages of 40 and 80, it was found that interest in sex does not decrease as age advances.

On the contrary: for 80 percent of men and 60 percent of women, sex is an important part of their lives and essential to their well-being and happiness.

For the experts involved in the research conducted by the University of Chicago, the numbers are higher than imagined. Perhaps because we always consider that only young people have a sexual appetite, but the research proves that no, age does not influence sexual appetite. This is why a considerable percentage of the clients of the sexy escorts in Sunshine Coast are elderly.

Scientists have realized how necessary it is to make sure that the quality of these sexual relations remains good as men and women enter their old age.

The sexual behavior of 26 thousand men and women between 40 and 80 years of age were evaluated in 28 countries, including Brazil, where the research was conducted by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz).

Contrary to what specialists have always thought, men and women over 40 continue not only to find sex important, but also to practice it with regular frequency.

More than half of those who participated guaranteed that they have sex between one and six times a week. In Brazil, 75% of the men and women interviewed said that they have sex at least once a week.

The scientists said that the data are very similar to the times that younger people have sex. On the other hand, doctors point out, however, that the quality of relations tends to get worse with age. Between 39% and 44% of those interviewed claimed to suffer from sexual problems.

What are the most common problems?

They are related to difficulty in erection in men and reaching orgasm in women. Therefore, it is important to take care of sexual health because it has been proven that sex is essential for human beings practically until the end of their lives.

It is essential to develop new therapies, medicines for sexual problems, and also to deal with sexology without taboos, naturally, as it should be.

Having sex frequently is good for your health

With all the research, the benefits of sex have also been proven to help lower blood pressure, reduce stress, anxiety, and help with sleep quality.

Let’s take care of our sexual health!

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