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New York Artist Cecilia Leigh Howard


New York Artist Cecilia Leigh Howard

Thank you for having me, I’m an actress, writer, model and activist living in Brooklyn, New York.

How will you describe your fashion style and where do you shop from?

My style is usually a result of my mood, sometimes casual, sometimes more sleek, I play with colors, shapes and sizes to change my look with accent pieces.

What hobbies or favorite past times do you have?

I read often, mostly books or articles, yoga, meditation, hula hooping, dancing, singing and I’m a huge fan of TV/Film, always ready for a binge watching session.

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a risk taker are you?

Hmm, I think I take calculated risks, but most of my family would probably say a 10, I think like an 8.

Have you been in an embarrassing situation before that is funny now when looking back?

Haha! All the time, I’m a model and actress, we’re constantly put in looks or scenarios that we don’t find appealing, but it’s not really about you at the time, so it’s funny to see how our brains can change the situation for us through perception when it’s really just a hairstyle that I wouldn’t wear or a color I don’t think is flattering.

Is there something in this world you can’t get enough of?

Oh, definitely, clothes, food, music, movies, money or love, they seem to only expand one’s capacity to enjoy themselves and life itself.

If you could meet with anyone past or present, who will it be?

I’ve always wanted to meet Janis Joplin, her music is so soulful and she accomplished amazing things at a young age. I would ask her about my favorite songs and what Woodstock was really like.

What do you not get about guys?

Haha, this is a loaded question and I’ll keep it as simple as I can, I don’t understand why guys have this need to be liked by people they don’t like or feel so deeply that they need to impress strangers with their appearance or money. I believe it is for everyone, but men seem to be the most affected by it. It’s cool to like what you like and no one else has to agree. Stay strong, kings.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Cecilia. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy is being comfortable in your own body, making others appreciate themselves and being able to know that appearances change, sexy is on the inside.

Follow the gorgeous Cecilia Leigh Howard on


Twitter: @cecileighowa

Tiktok: @cecilialhoward

Upcoming Works Photoshoot for Upcoming Music Artist Album Cover @pbabyllon (IG)

Images courtesy of Cecilia Leigh Howard

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