Hey! Thanks for having me. To start off, I was born in Iran and moved to California when I was two. Growing up as an only child I was put into many different after school activities such as soccer, art, dance, etc… This really helped me fill the void of not having a sibling to spend my time with. As I got older, this void tended to fill with other things such as photography, piano, and studying.

How will you describe your fashion style?
I would say my fashion style is a mix between 90’s Chanel runway and a minimalistic yet chic look. I usually tend to follow the “less is more” rule when it comes to putting outfits together by picking a focus piece and just building around that.
Where do you get your fashion inspiration from?
I find myself trying to emulate many of the 90’s runway looks such as Chanel, Dior, and Versace but other than that, I love a good “clueless” inspired look along with the “off duty model”.

What is the best compliment you have received?
I love hearing that I’ve inspired someone to consider different perspectives that they probably would not have questioned before meeting me. I think that in a world where information is so valuable and usually capitalised off of, it is important to question and research everything we are informed of.
On a scale of 1-10, how much of an adrenaline junkie are you?
I would say probably a 5/6 because although I do love traveling and adventures I am limited because of my fear of deep waters, heights, and the dark. I’m still trying though.

If you could learn anything in this world, what will it be?
Probably physics because it’s such an intense field of study with so much information that I usually get overwhelmed the farther I go down the rabbit hole. I have a deep interest in the cosmos so knowing what makes our world go round would be very satisfying.
How do you like to spend your free time?
Almost all my free time is dedicated to educating myself on different subjects I’m interested in, such as religion, history, politics, science, linguistics, art, etc… I can spend months at a time just going in depth learning about the origins of religion, studying how different elements affect our brain, or even breaking down how our economy and banking system works. I can’t help it, I need to be learning something.

What is a lame pickup line or attempt a guy has tried on you?
One time I was at a party and there was this guy sitting on a counter and all he did to get my attention was stick his leg out and point at me, insinuating that he wanted me to walk over to him. The lack of effort LOL. I just walked the other way.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Bambie. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I think the only way to be sexy is to feel sexy. Having that unapologetic confidence is such a powerful thing, it can really change the way you act, think, and talk; you just become your best self:)
Follow the gorgeous Bambie on:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/bambiee
Images from Bambie
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