Sex to me is a shared desire between people for a higher level of understanding of the self, the other, and the world. It is a beautiful space, where you can be exactly who you want to be, and share that intimately with another. A space to open yourself up to love, your natural vibration, be it physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. I really believe that the manifestation of love for everyone and everything is my purpose in life, hence my career in human rights. Love is who we are, how we were created, and what we are made of.

Why Does Size Matter To Men
I can only assume that it’s an insecurity thing. Which is totally understandable. I think this probably comes down to the unrealistic expectations perpetuated through a lot of porn (which is a whole topic in itself).
Does Size Matter For Women
I’m going to preface this answer by saying – for me personally it is less about length, and more about girth, but every woman is different. Generally, I don’t think size is the be all and end all. Of course, any woman would be lying if she said that a good sized, thick penis didn’t feel incredible, but sex, especially for women, is so much more than penetration. This in real stats, translates to 75% of all women, never reaching an orgasm from intercourse alone.
I’ve actually found that guys with big dicks often put in way less effort than their slightly smaller counterparts, it’s almost like they wish they could say to you “I’ve got a big dick, isn’t that enough”. Well PSA to guys with big dicks, it’s most definitely not. If you don’t like giving women oral, and you don’t even attempt to find their clit, you lose. Oh and also, if you think that a woman giving you some direction, so that she can enjoy herself, is emasculating… get a grip.

Tips To Enjoy A Small Penis
I mean of course it feels different, as I’m sure you can imagine. But how it feels really depends on how a guy uses it. Sex for me is about passion and love. And when I say love I don’t mean nuclear family love. I think love comes in so many forms and I really believe that you should see every day and every sexual encounter, as an opportunity to manifest it.
Even if you’re just having casual sex, it doesn’t mean you can’t love every moment with that other person, without traditionally ‘loving’ them. Being a sex worker has taught me that the ‘love’ two people can give each other, be it mentally or physically, can have a really big impact on the lives of both parties. That’s why I think ‘making love’ or should I say ‘manifesting love’, is so important to every sexual experience.

Penis Turn-Offs For Me
Honestly, the only turn off I have is bad hygiene or lack thereof. I think everyone has had an experience…or two, that involves you going down on a partner only to be faced with a distinctly unpleasant smell. Obviously, not every impromptu sexual encounter starts with a shower, but I think it’s just common courtesy to excuse yourself and quickly give your penis a rinse, before you expect someone to put it in their mouth. The same goes for vaginas!
Also guys should be lucky, sinks are basically penis height…vaginas on the other hand, well they can’t even get close to the tap. Also if a guy doesn’t manscape, at all, it can be a bit of a turn off. Now don’t get me wrong, I let all of my body hair grow out naturally, but I still lightly trim my pubic hair. I personally don’t want a big mouthful of hair while I’m trying to give oral.
Lana Rose – You can call me Lana Rose. I am a Sydney based, passionate, erotic, and discreet luxury companion. Most importantly, I am a believer in the power of love. A shared desire between people for a higher level of understanding of the self, the other, and the world.
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Brisbane Tour: 18 – 28 December, 2017.
Melbourne Tour: 21 – 27 February, 2018.
Images courtesy of Karl Clifford
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