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Dating Tips And Sexual Compatibility In Relationships


Dating Tips And Sexual Compatibility In Relationships

The qualities that attract me in another person are the qualities that I lack in myself, such as manliness, confidence, a clear direction on his part and physical stature. Little has to do with physical appearance, and more so with my perception of who they are overall. I am also attracted to how they treat me and make me feel. If it’s sincere, I feel comfortable opening up to them.

What To Look Out For On A Date

What I like to be made aware of at first when I am on a date are just what kind of person he is overall. What I noticed about a lot of guys was their attention on themselves, or lack of attention on me. While I like when they are talkative and enthusiastic about themselves, if the conversation is not a two way street, or if the person ever assumes that they know what you are talking about without fully wanting to understand, for instance, you will be able to tell if they are truly caring about what you are saying. That is a problem that I ran into which made me quiet for long periods of time on dates. I was so nervous that I couldn’t think of much to say about myself, and didn’t want to bother them by asking stuff outright about them.

The conversation had to feel natural, and I can remember multiple occasions in which it wasn’t, and I was a deer in headlights that was running on adrenaline it seemed, due to my lack of deep thinking . If something is off and communication is at a standstill, it’s easy to shut down and lose all confidence in the situation. Therefore, I would say that communication is a very important aspect of whether a date is real, or just an act the other is putting on. Other signs are more obvious, such as when you are just not attracted to the other person, or if they are overly nervous and unsure of themselves. That energy effects mine, and I am often not the person I want to be in that situation.



Common Issues Faced During Dating

Communication is very important, like I said before when starting to date someone. If it is fluid and natural, it’s only a matter of time before you are ready to go to the next level. And in my mind, there really are only two levels, meeting them and getting to know them, and then engaging fully into the relationship. Of course, if either person is unsure of what they want, this may take longer to date and figure it out.

I remember going on 5-6 dates before agreeing to engage in sex. This literally made no difference in the relationship, as we were focusing on the wrong thing. Timing has little to do with the dating process, and more so the people who are engaging. The main issue I faced was the battle between what I wanted, and what I wanted them to think that I want. For instance, after the date, the issue of when to contact them again was always the biggest issue. How do I not seem desperate, yet interested? Most of the time, I just waited for the other to contact me, to release the burden of having to make the call. Everyone wants to be the person that get’s texted first. This resulted in them not feeling wanted, and me not feeling wanted as well! The balance was off, and neither of us was acting based on what we wanted. I just wanted him to like me, and was unsure of what I even wanted.

Once I met that confident person, they reached out to me the next day, and were not afraid of rejection. This made me feel worthy of giving him my time. Also, the message was an invitation to hang out again and go to the pool, nothing sexual. This was highly unusual for me as well, as hard as that is to believe. Once you find that balance in the other person, there will be little resistance.

Importance Of Sexual Compatibility

It goes without saying that sexual compatibility is essential in keeping a relationship going strong for years to come. However, as long as you love the other person and who they are completely, how they perform is indeed not the only important factor, and other characteristics can make up for that. No one is perfect. As long as you are both physically and sexually satisfied, then the sex will be enough as long as you believe in your future with this person.

The truth about relationships is that you have to be willing to open yourself, as well as make compromises. This is the key to keeping that relationship. The bottom line is that when you feel confident in what you’re doing deep down, you will do anything in your power to fight for the balance. And everything requires maintenance and work for it to continue and be strong. There needs to be two driving forces, both going down the same road together.

My name is Melody Minx and I am 24 years old. I am a webcam model and have been since I was 18, as well as like to create, play video games and watch TV. I also enjoy exploring nature and experiencing new things! Follow me on, on Twitter @MyMelodyMinx or contact me at

Make sure to catch my upcoming webcam shows in the future, on websites such as Chaturbate: username Bu770n, as well as check out my website for my content!

Featured image courtesy of Melody Minx
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Melody Minx

My name is Melody Minx and I am 24 years old. I am a webcam model and have been since I was 18, as well as like to create, play videogames and watch tv. I also enjoy exploring nature and experiencing new things!


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