All posts tagged "Fitness"
Fitness Girl Gabriella Prior
December 22, 2019I use to be a heavy smoker and a drinker and one day it just clicked...
Sex Ed
How Fitness Boosts Sex Drive
June 10, 2019My personal views towards sex are that it’s really good for your health, a stress reliever,...
Fitness Enthusiast & Bikini Competitor Quinn O’Connell
April 30, 2019It is an honor to be featured on SimplySxy! My name is Quinn O’Connell. I am...
Fitness Enthusiast & Model Janice Lin
February 25, 2019Thank you for having me on SimplySxy, the pleasure’s all mine to be featured on here....
Fitness Guru Morgane
November 1, 2018My style is in keeping with my character: multi-faceted. I am lucky to work without contact...
Model & Athlete Joyella Stine
May 17, 2018I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania in the United States. I’m 23 years...
Fitness Model Gabriella Prior
May 8, 2018Hi guys! Well where do I start!? I am 23 and live in Swanage in Dorset....
Meet The Fit & Fiesty Sarah Rav
March 7, 2018Hi Sarah it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers...
Anime & Conspiracy Theory Lover Elysia Marie Brown
May 2, 2017Hi Elysia it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers...
What Is The Ideal Date For Model Alice?
January 29, 2017Hi Alice it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers...