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Meet The Fit & Fiesty Sarah Rav


Meet The Fit & Fiesty Sarah Rav

Hi Sarah it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hi! Thank you so so much for featuring me – it’s an absolute honour ?

I’m a 19-year old Medical student from Melbourne, Australia. However, in my spare time, I also run multiple Instagram accounts including @fitandfiesty (health & fitness focused, with 1.5 million followers) and @tasty.hub (food and cooking based, with 800K followers). Both themes are huge passions of mine, so it’s a lot of fun running them!

What is your proudest achievement so far?

My proudest achievement would probably be getting my Instagram accounts to where they are today. Given that I started them as hobbies, without ever imagining that they would grow into much more than that, it amazes me every time when I stop and think about the fact that I have a network of over 2 million.

Not only that, I am incredibly thankful for the fact that I can make such an impact on the lives of others. Especially with my fitness account. I receive over 200 DMs daily, the majority of which are individuals who thank me for helping motivate them to get up and go to the gym/switch or a healthy diet or to thank me for a specific tip that I’ve posted. Although it can take up a lot of time, replying to questions from followers and finding content, this makes it all worth it!

Which are your favorite quotes you like to use in life?

My favourite quote is by Taylor Swift, which reads “Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, it’s about how you dance in the rain”. I love this because honestly, my life and routine is FULL ON. From a completely objective point of view, it sucks. I’m on the go/working/studying/training pretty much every single minute of the day and essentially, hardly have time to lounge around and do what I would like to do (which would probably be to lie in bed with a bowl of ice-cream and a good TV show and never get leave).

Nevertheless, I actually ENJOY my hectic timetable. I thrive off it.

There is nothing more satisfying to me, then going to bed at night completely exhausted, but feeling extremely satisfied after getting heaps done that day. So, I guess, the quote helps me maintain a positive outlook on what could be considered a “storm” of a schedule.

How is your workout regime like?

My workout routine is pretty intense, but going to the gym is often my favourite part of the day. I usually go every day, but allow myself to take one day off if needed to recover (or if life gets in the way, which can happen).

I start with a 30min walk from my house to the gym, then 20-30minutes cardio whilst there. After that, it’s usually 1.5hrs of weightlifting before I walk home and collapse.

I alternate between legs, push (shoulders & chest) and pull (back).

If I can, I always try to go to the gym in the morning so that I have the rest of the day to recover and get on with other things. I find that if I go in the afternoon, I always feel so much more tired and I tend to put it off until much later than I should.

If I’m on Uni break or have some spare time, I love going for afternoon walks too!

Do you have any guilty pleasures or indulgences for food?

Okay, so anyone who knows me will tell you straight away that I am TERRIBLE when it comes to pancakes and donuts. Like, they are the two foods that I constantly crave ALL THE TIME. However, I keep my cravings under control by allowing myself one cheat meal a week. This means that during the week, when I really, really want something sweet, I am much more able to stop myself because I know that I will be allowed to indulge soon.

Besides, I’m all about maintaining a balance. Just because you’re living a healthy lifestyle, doesn’t mean you have to cut out all the things that you love. Treats like this can be included here and there – it’s what keeps you sane and happy!!

If you could meet anyone past or present, who will it be?

This is a tough one! I honestly have had to think about this for a while.

I think I’ve decided on Michelle Obama. I have the upmost respect for this incredible lady due to the way that she handles herself with such grace and elegance, even whilst dealing with issues of incredible importance.

She is so intelligent, and every decision she makes is calculated in order to achieve the best outcome. If I got to meet her, I would love to get an insight into her thought process and how she dealt with such a stressful job.

It would also be interesting to hear a woman in power’s perspective, rather than speaking to Barack Obama himself.

Would you rather have supersonic speed or the ability to fly?

100% supersonic speed. I don’t think I’d need the ability to fly if I had supersonic speed, because I would still be able to get everywhere I needed to – at that speed, I’d probably be able to run across water so going between countries wouldn’t be an issue.

Plus, it would make running at the gym/doing cardio a heck of a lot more fun!

Funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

Ahh, this one’s too hard for me to answer! I don’t want to embarrass anyone ☹ Let’s just say that I get a lot of requests via my Instagram DMs.

I’m was actually super surprised to realise that there are SOO many guys out there who would be willing to pay for flights and accommodation to the other side of the world just to meet up. They are also super, super adamant. Like, even after blocking a guy, sometimes he’ll start ANOTHER account just to pester me further.

Whilst I am somewhat flattered, I just wish they would realise that NO means NO.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Sarah. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

This one’s easy. Sexy = confidence.

I don’t believe that there should be any other definition.

It shouldn’t be defined by a particular body type, race, feature nor personality trait except CONFIDENCE.

If a person feels GOOD about themselves and they are confident in not only the way they look but ALSO what they are capable of, then that is extremely attractive!

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Upcoming Works:

I do have a FITNESS APP that will be launching in the New Year (2018).

However all information for this will be provided via my Instagram, so if you could please direct your readers to FOLLOW @fitandfiesty to keep updated.

Images courtesy of Sarah Rav

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