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Philippines Entrepreneur Yelim


Philippines Entrepreneur Yelim

Hi! I’m Yelim but I prefer people calling me as Yel. I’m Korean but I was born and raised in the Philippines! I’m 22 years old just finished Uni and I’m actually an entrepreneur here in the Philippines. I hold a marketing team in a travel agency company (@resortsbook).

I guess I have to say that I am such a geek when it comes to art and candles, probably why I started my candle business in 2019 (@Olkcandle), a fast-growing local candle brand in the Philippines loved by many including actors and actresses in the country.

What hobbies or interests do you have?

I love painting! Making candles is part of my business but I love making them and designing all my candles.

Is there a favorite brand you like to shop from?

Well there isn’t any specific brand, but I do love shopping in any Korean indie stores.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I would hang out with my brother, maybe cook together or watch movies with him. Sometimes I take photos of my products and edit them for Olk candle’s daily content. (IG: @Olkcandle)

What type of music are you into?

I don’t think I listen to just one genre, it really depends on my mood.

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but have yet to find the time for it?

Most of the time I get so busy with work I don’t get to travel with friends.

Which is your most memorable travel experience so far?

Ah!! That would have to be my trip to Portugal! I super love the place, the people and their FOOD!

What turns you off on a date?

Oh my…When the other person chews loudly.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Yelim. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy to me is the ability of one individual to believe in themselves and achieving their goals.

Follow the pretty Yelim on:

Instagram: (@itsyelimM)


Businesses: (Candle shop IG) (Travel agency IG)

Images from Yelim

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