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Personal Trainer Brittney Keophoxay


Personal Trainer Brittney Keophoxay

Hi! I’m from Rhode Island currently working in the legal field, previously specializing in real estate and trust and estates. I have about a year left until I obtain my B. S in International Business and prospectively go to law school. I love animals, lifting weights, and sleeping!

How would you describe your fashion style?

I don’t necessarily have a specific style. I just wear what feels comfortable. There are occasions where I would like to look nice such as birthday parties, fancy dinners, girls’ night out, etc. But that is just once in a blue moon.

Do you have any hobbies?

My hobbies consist of sleeping and lifting. It’s simple and straight forward.

Are you more of a morning person or night owl?

I’m a night owl hands down. Mornings suck and I hate getting up to go to work. Nights are usually when I go to the gym, get my homework done, etc. I suppose, that is when my motivation sparks.

Which food or drink can you not live without?

I love seafood. That is something I can eat every day and not get sick of. I love getting seafood red or yellow curry and making it EXTRA spicy! Other than seafood since it is so expensive, I love traditional Lao, Thai, and Khmer food.

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had the time to do so?

I’ve also wanted to travel to Japan or Korea. I just haven’t had the time to do it yet because I’ve been so busy with school and taking care of my parents.

If you could have a super power, what will it be?

Teleportation. Despite being active at the gym, I am extremely lazy when it comes to simple things such as walking across the room to put my dishes away. I just leave it where it’s convenient for me to place and pick up on it when I remember…which is 50/50.

What do you not get about guys?

When you tell them you’re not interested but they keep trying to change your mind.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Brittney. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy doesn’t necessarily have to pertain how one looks. Sexy is exemplifying confident in your own skin. There is nothing sexier than being confident, headstrong, and goal driven, while staying humble.

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Images courtesy of Brittney Keophoxay

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