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Model Julisa From Guatemala


Model Julisa From Guatemala

Thank you for interviewing me. Well,  I was born in Guatemala, and raised in the United States. I am fluent in both English and Spanish as well as Russian and Portuguese. And every other day, I enjoy going to my boxing class.

Which is the best compliment you have received?

“You look like Mila Kunis”

What favorite quotes do you love to use in life?

“There are no elevators to success. You have to take the stairs”

Do you have any guilty pleasures or indulgences when it comes to food?

Of course I do! I am vegan, but I also have a huge sweet tooth. So anything that vegan and sweet. I would go with vegan carrot cake!

Where can we catch you partying on weekends?

You can find me at Colosseum Club at Providence, Rhode Island.

If you could a superpower, what will it be?

The ability to have all super powers – the omnipotence superpower.

What flavor would you say best describes you?

None. I can be a bit unpredictable. I am still trying to figure out myself. Haha.

Funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

A guy thought I was Russian so he texted me a Russian word to impress me. He texted “другой”. This means “other” in Russia. When I texted him back in Russian, he Google translated and was confused with the word he sent in Russian.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Julisa. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

“Sexy” is defined within each individual. It is a feeling. It is not a look. It is a characteristic that all women carry. We are all sexy in our own ways. Sexy is seen in each of our imperfections. Sexy is confidence. It is something we all have to embrace and it is something we must carry within us.

Follow the beautiful Julisa on:

Instagram: @king.julisa


Images courtesy of Julisa

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