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Identical Twin & Entrepreneur, Leanna Hefter


Identical Twin & Entrepreneur, Leanna Hefter

I am an identical twin originally from Montreal but I now reside in Toronto. My twin and I run a social media agency, blog and online shop together. She runs the Montreal office (she still lives in Montreal) and I run the Toronto office.

How does it feel to be an identical twin and are people able to tell your sister and you apart?

It’s the best gift in the entire world. We are twin sisters by chance but best friends by choice. I am slightly taller and blonder 😉

Where did the inspiration to start Social Movement come about?

My twin sister and I have always wanted to own our own business and this fell into place. We both come from full time social media jobs and this was the right next step. We absolutely love what we do and also offer great value for our services.

What is your fashion style like?

I would say sexy yet sophisticated. I workout almost every day so I want to show off the results!

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a foodie are you?

Before I met my husband I would say 2!  Now I am definitely a 10! He’s introduced me to such amazing food and restaurants.

Which flavor best describes you?

Sweet! Being kind and treating others well is a huge priority of mine.

If you could have a super power, what will it be?

Time travel. I’ve always been obsessed with classic rock and would do anything to have attended Woodstock.

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

Accidentally calling me by my twin sisters name and playing it off like a joke. I was once kissed in a club and the guy said “Jacklyn (my twin sisters’ name) you’re a great kisser…” NOT COOL. I genuinely think he had no idea I wasn’t her.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Leanna. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy is someone who doesn’t have to put others down to feel good about themselves. Being gracious and kind- that is so sexy to me!

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Images courtesy of Leanna Hefter

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