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How To Spice Up Your Sex Life

Sex Ed

How To Spice Up Your Sex Life

My personal views on sex are vast. I find most people acquaint their sex life to dating type relationships. What most refer to as vanilla. To me sexuality is a huge playing field, from trying out new toys to swinging and fetish. It’s a chance to explore and become more self-confident while satisfying inner most desires. Sex is an important factor of a balanced life whether I’m in a relationship or not. Sex is beneficial for the mind and body. As long as no one is being harmed, there is no right or wrong. It’s all about what’s right for you. I actually categorize sex as a form of self care.



Experimenting is something I find to be really fun with a partner. I’m a visual person. Toys are a lustful interest of mine. I have several luggage bags full of vibrators, dildos and such from my experimental journeys, whether alone or on a group venture. It’s my feeling that experimenting brings couples closer together. My consorts always keep me mentally stimulated with an amazing variety of interests. I adore going along for the ride. Sometimes we have to play a little naughty doctor or maybe dress up. A man isn’t a man until he has strapped on a garter and heels. Other times they like diving into a true release with a little domination or sensual bondage. As long as there is no physical or mental damage taking place. I am all about experimenting. Fear doesn’t belong in the bedroom. You need to push boundaries to discover new areas of enjoyment. You may even learn something about yourself along the way.

Non-Existent Sex Lives

Any relationship is work. To have a great sex life, you have to put effort into it like any other aspect of your relationship. Very often, kids and a busy lifestyle are the main issue for couples trying to stay intimate. It’s really hard after a long day to feel sexy. Unresolved arguments, or lack of communication can also be the culprit. Feeling like you’re never on the same page is an easy way to hinder sex. When you’ve been together for years things are bound to get boring. If your intent is to have a healthy sex life, some efforts in the right direction are easy to spice things up.


Ways To Spice Things Up

The first step to spicing up a couple’s love life is communication. I know this may sound cliche. You would be surprised how often couples are not even on the same page when it comes to sex. Building trust through open communication is the step that launches you into a better sex life. I’d advise setting aside time to have an open honest, non-judgemental conversation about things you’ve been dying to try. This can lead to experimenting with different toys and positions. It can start off simple, perhaps a strategically placed vibrator during oral sex for him or her. Often, role play or a trip into a bit of submission territory with her at the wheel.

I find that many couples who have gotten that far have an amazing sex life. Playtime can then escalate to new adventures. Encounters such as threesomes may come into play. Which for this I always advise hiring a professional escort. It’s just a safer way to go both emotionally and professionally. It alleviates any concerns of affairs or gossip after the fact. Women or men well versed in entertaining couples can help guide the way to a truly intimate, exciting and eye opening experience.

Another suggestion I like to make is separate bedrooms. If you have the space to do, it’s not wrong to have your own space to sleep in. This aids in two ways. One, you always get a good night sleep. Two, when you do come together for sex it can almost be a bit of a date night. It actually takes some effort and thought. There’s something special about it. No one is rolling over for a quickie. Although you may argue over who has to sleep in the wet spot.


The Benefits Are Endless

Adventurous couples are very often best friends, lovers and life partners who live enriched lives through these experiences. The act of experimenting together helps create a deeper level of trust and intimacy. The openness to communicate desires, boundaries and curiosities can only make a relationship stronger when approached as a team effort. Physical benefits also prevail. Sexually active men and women tend to be healthy and carry less stress versus their less active counter parts.

Endorphins are believed to help fight depression. Serotonin has a euphoric effect on the brain. This is why humans are often in “in love” after having a sexual encounter. Women can greatly benefit from regular orgasms. These muscle reactions actually help to tighten the vaginal walls, which helps fight off muscular atrophy which occurs as we age. The perks to spicing up your sex life are amazing to the mind, body and relationship in more ways than most people truly recognize.

I’m Arden Moon a career courtesan and industry adviser. When I’m not planning the next erotic adventure. I can be found enjoying my fitness routine, golf or writing. I’ve authored two books relating to the internet escorting industry. Residing in the playground called Las Vegas. Life is a non stop party. You can catch me in a city near you as I tour the US in 2016. Follow me at, Twitter @VipArdenMoon and Instagram @ArdenMoon

Images courtesy of Arden Moon
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Arden Moon

I'm Arden Moon a career courtesan and industry adviser. When I'm not planning the next erotic adventure. I can be found enjoying my fitness routine, golf or writing. I've authored two books relating to the internet escorting industry. Residing in the playground called Las Vegas. Life is a non stop party. You can catch me in a city near you as I tour the US in 2016.


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