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Can I have sex during pregnancy?

Sex Ed

Can I have sex during pregnancy?

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For today’s questions, we touch on a topic related to parenting and sex ed from you and we’re delighted to have sex educator Darleen Proud share her answer below.

During pregnancy, how can a couple continue to have sex and satisfy one another’s needs?

Sex during pregnancy is no different to sex at any other time. In fact it can be quite liberating… if you have used contraception your whole sex life and made a decision to have a baby… you no longer have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy… the baby is now on its way, it’s a done deal!

Many women actually feel quite horny as the hormones make some adjustments during pregnancy. We can also feel more of a need to connect with our partner as the birth gets closer. The need to share the experience with the one who helped create this new human can be intense.

As the pregnancy progresses, and her body changes you may need to adjust your positions to accommodate the belly, use this time to experiment with some new ones. Be gentle, take your time. Once the baby escapes it confides, your sex life will never be the same again!

There will be the occasional instance when your doctor may advise against sex or a specific action, always follow your doctors instructions. Once the water has broken sex is definitely a no no, as there is nothing to stop the baby getting an infection as the seal has broken.

There are many old wives tails about pregnancy, don’t take too much notice of these. If you doctor says its ok, and it feels ok, go for it. If you are past your due date there is a belief that a good orgasm or two can bring on labor… always worth a try if you are done with the whole pregnancy thing! At the very least these may be the last orgasms you have for a few weeks.


Visit Darleen’s profile below and all the links to her website

Her course for Guys who want to have sex more often…

Coupon for 50% off her Udemy course – Bedroom Skills for Guys… become a legend in the bedroom.


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Darleen Proud

Healthy sexuality education is my passion. How did you learn about sex, how to navigate relationships and intimate sexual situations...? My Name is Darleen Proud these days... for a while I was Darleen Rankin and I was born Darleen Irwin, in Sydney Australia. I grew up in a great family environment, there were no tragedies to speak of and my parents remain happily married to this day. The eldest of 3 kids, I was my parent’s first chance to try out their skills. I think they did a pretty good job! I could not wait to leave school, I finished year 10 and never went back. I have worn many hats in my 40 odd years of life and in work. While I was growing up, I always felt older than my birthdays indicated and my interest in Human Sexuality has been there for as long as I can remember... I have two fantastic daughters, now teenagers, and enjoy the challenge of parenthood, I married an amazing man a couple of years ago, who shares my motto… Life is an Adventure! I have been involved in relationship building in a business sense for many years, and found those skills easily transfer to teaching and helping people with their sexuality. Having completed my Master of Health Science – Sexual Health at the University of Sydney, I have created a blog and I’m working on several books and webinars for all kinds of people to become more informed about a range of sometimes difficult topics. The books and webinars will be fun and informative, working on many facets of life. Your sexuality is only a part of your life balance, but it is an important part. The books and webinars will help you feel better about yourself and your comfort with your sexuality and relationships, and give you a better global understanding of human sexuality. I look forward to sharing those with you. If you would like me to keep you up to date on what is happening in the often taboo world of Human Sexuality, like my Facebook page. It's great to have you hear, I do hope you enjoy reading my blog and my book. Let me know if there is anything in particular you would like me to write about. You can email me through the contact page. Warmly Darleen


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