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3 Hot Investments To Spice Up Your Sex Life

Sex Ed

3 Hot Investments To Spice Up Your Sex Life

Long-Lasting Sexual Investment

Look: the “Horny Goat Weed” you get at the gas station may actually work; but expect a headache, and discomfort after the fact. A lot of people find such outcomes when they use varying toys and compounds purchased either at sex shops or convenience stores. Maybe such options float your boat, but they might not be healthy for you.

However, there are ways to enhance your sex life over the long term in a healthy way that actually contributes to better health overall. Here we’ll briefly explore three routes to that sort of outcome.

1. A Gym Membership And Health Supplements

According to Harvard Health, certain supplements won’t only spice up your sex life, they might just save it. As you age, your “sexual” hormones change. Men lose testosterone gradually over time, women have hormonal changes after every menstrual period. Eventually he will be impotent, and she will go through menopause.

However, one reason such realities come to define maturity in life has to do with lifestyles. If you exercise regularly and properly, man or woman, you’re going to make your body “feel” younger at an intrinsic level. Excess exercise—of the right muscle groups of course—can and often does lead to increased hormones.

When you enhance the exercises you do for intimacy with supplements that are known to increase virility, you might not need to do much more.

If you and your spouse are both exercising and supplementing, it may be all either of you can do to keep your hands to yourselves. Do a little research, of course; but with the internet, you can fund just the right information.

2. A Sexy Mattress Designed For Intimacy

Sometimes the issue you’re dealing with isn’t physical, it’s situational. Have you and your significant other ever gotten the urge out in public? Well, were you able to make things work in whatever secluded area you found? Despite what erotic films may suggest, sometimes it’s hard to get intimate anywhere but in a comfortable, private bedroom.

If you’ve ever tried to “get serious” in the backseat of a crunched car, or actually tried to make love on the beach, you’ll find these options aren’t nearly so desirable as some media may suggest. The sand is itchy, and when you’re not in a place where you can move your body correctly, things can be downright painful in a car. Leave that to teenagers.

What makes more sense if you’re in a mature relationship is to find the ultimate mattress for sex. The option in the link is definitely considerable and will make it easier for you and your spouse to be more intimate on a more regular basis.

3. Aphrodisiacs: Foods That Invite Arousal

Most aphrodisiacs are for him and for her, and a lot of common food items have aphrodisiac qualities which can make including them in a meal extremely easy. If you’re looking to subtly romance your significant other, this is a great way to do so.

Common aphrodisiacs include olive oil, cinnamon, basil, truffles, ginger, maca root, pumpkin, champagne, celery, garlic (just be sure you both eat some), pine nuts, and ginseng. Here’s a link with over thirty of them; figure out which ones you both like and buy in bulk.

Transforming Dollars Into Valentines

Whether you’re improving your own personal bodily functionality through exercise and health supplements, making things physically easier in the bedroom with a new sex mattress, or stocking up on aphrodisiacs, it’s worth your while to invest in the intimacy you and your spouse share. Each dollar you invest in this way might as well be its own valentine!

Featured image from Shutterstock

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