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Italian Professional Model, Singer & Actress, Greta Ray


Italian Professional Model, Singer & Actress, Greta Ray

Hello! Thank you so much for this interview! I’m 21 years old and I’m an Italian professional model, singer and actress.

I started modeling when I was six years old and from 2015, I’m produced by MMG Trend Production. I realized many shootings in almost all over the world. I have four songs available on all Digital Stores and YouTube.

Was singing something that you always had an interest in since you were a child?

Yes, I always sing since I was really young, Italian and foreign songs, in particular with my grandma.

What do you find most challenging about being a singer?

I think the hardest thing is to have the constancy to practice every day with the right exercises, and you will never stop to learn.

Then for a very shy person like me, every time before going on stage it’s really difficult and I get anxiety. Then as soon as you get on stage, everything changes and it’s the most exciting experience you can have.

Are there any mottos and quotes you like to use regularly?

Let’s go!”, “Never give up!

With my songs I always try to explain to my followers that you must never give up. Dreams must be chased with head held high, always. With determination and commitment, dreams can come true.

If you had the opportunity to learn anything in this world, what will it be?

I think the ability to speak all the languages of the world. I love to study new languages, even the very difficult ones because it would be nice to be able to communicate with everyone.

On a scale of 1-10, how much of an adventurer are you?

10! I love adventure! I have made exciting and adventurous journeys during my life and the most beautiful was in America. With a motorhome we ventured from Los Angeles to Chicago. I saw and explored deserts, cities and pristine spaces.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I like to draw, riding horses, shopping and staying with my family.

What turns you off on a date?

Disrespect. I think that respect is essential for any form of relationship.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Greta. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Being sexy for me means having the ability to be sensual, elegance and attractive without ever falling into the vulgar.

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Images by Greta Ray

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