Having multiple sexual partners is a topic commonly frowned upon for its lousy image, which involves sexually-transmitted diseases, issues of infidelity, and to those who are adventurous, a case of promiscuity and debauchery. Society’s conservative view about intimacy is such that the idea of being in a sexual relationship with more than a single person, such as a threesome, makes for a taboo that scares many people to experiment and break from the usual.
But does having a threesome warrant all the negativity it incurs from the eyes of the public? Or is it such a natural thing that is worth considering at least once in a person’s lifetime?
If you are curious and are contemplating in engaging in a steamy act with at least two persons in bed, whether it be MFM or FMF, here are things you should consider before jumping in for a threesome:
It’s Only Awkward at First and Subsequently Gets Better
Like many things that are new to one’s experience, being engaged in sexual activity with two other people is initially rife with uncertainties and confusion, which could make an otherwise impulsive act seem calculative and unnatural. This is entirely okay as half of the fun about going into a threesome is being a spectator, not an active participant—at least, not initially. Do not expect yourself to be entirely given into the act from the start if you do not feel like it. But once you have built your momentum and begin to get into it, things subsequently become more natural.
Expect to Have Some Laughs and Giggles
You might be hard-pressed to think that all threesomes are serious, rooted in either lust or intimacy. However, there is humor in sometimes finding yourself in an awkward position while playing along with the physics that is taking place involving the bodies of your two other partners. The idea may not necessarily be “sexy” per se, but it adds to the overall amusement and, to some, even play a role in easing out tension.

You Can Do It with Friends
If you are only experimenting, going for a threesome may seem more relaxed with strangers with whom you had a chance encounter. While this idea may work if you are simply into casual sex, others find more comfort and excitement in doing it with people with whom they have emotional connections, like close friends.
Of course, not everyone you call friends may necessarily be into the same quirk. But if you happen to have a few who are, then you hit the jackpot. Consequently, it just boils down to knowing how to invite friends to a threesome, such as with the use of sex dating apps.
It Does Not Necessarily Ruin Friendships
Inasmuch as the act of getting into a threesome is consented, the fact that engaging in a steamy relationship with two of your friends at the same time can adversely affect the relationship afterward. You can let the encounter be the destruction of your friendship, or you can all just forget that it happened and never make a follow-up for the same act again, like a one-time fling.
It’s Not about You Versus Another
Yes, the act of having sex with at least two persons can sometimes be an imbalanced thing that you might find yourself having less time in the act than your fellow like-gender partner, which is especially true in an FMF threesome. But do not feel “left out” in the instance that things got way too steamy for the other two and less with you. Things have a way of equaling the odds eventually. Just remember that a threesome does happen with divided attention for everybody, often unequally.
Communication is Key
For something as consensual as a threesome, there must be communication before and after the act. Again, this draws from the fact that some are more comfortable establishing emotional connections first and possibly clearing away any potential obstruction before the action. Post-sex, a conversation plays an essential role in affirming the relationship, be it merely casual or otherwise.
Closing Statements
The idea of a threesome is not necessarily a subject anyone can quickly get into, given the prevailing notions that surround it. But if your curiosity is getting the best of you and that acting against the thought of not checking it out yourself becomes an issue, why not give it a try while employing all the pointers mentioned here for their insights? Consider the things in this article and you might find yourself surprised by this whole new experience.
Photos from Shutterstock
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