Hi! My (full) name is Tey Cindy, something I always get asked twice.
I am the creator of my website, Cin City, but I like to think of myself as a ‘lifestylist’. Since 2005, I have been writing travelogues, guides, and creating content. My goal is for every ‘Cin Citizen’ to find something ‘cinspirational’, valuable or relatable every time they visit teycindy.com.
I am from a town so small, you most likely don’t even know it exists. But I am proud of that because it taught me “it is not where you come from but how you shape yourself while chasing your dreams, to fit into the world you want to live in”.
What is your proudest achievement so far?
Usually I’d say the amazing sponsored trips I received or having my blog featured in the media, but really, it is becoming the person I am today.
For having a stand in what I believe in, doing my best to earn what I yearn, and fighting for what makes me happy. Mistakes teaches a woman, but lessons make a woman; who is wiser and stronger than yesterday.
Building that confidence has helped me live a very loved and fulfilled life, which I am very proud of.
Do you have any personal quotes that motivate you regularly?
Whenever I fail or feel sluggish, a simple “I can do anything I put my mind to” does it for me. I think it works because I truly believe I can; otherwise as a realist, I won’t aim for it at the first place!
Stealing a quote from my best friend, “It takes wisdom to make it work”. So get creative, work smart, not just hard.
Should one day all else fails, live to see more of the world and widen your mind. Then find a cause you really believe in and be part of a supporting community.
How is a typical day like for you?
My routine changes, as I am always finding ways to make it suit my lifestyle better.
I start my morning with what I want to last throughout the day – I exercise to calibrate my posture and am currently taking on the 100-squats-for-30-days challenge. Then I’d listen to Spanish lesson podcasts while clearing away any house chores, before having a good shower as a little reward of the day.
After brunch I start editing (photos / videos), writing, posting on social media, reply emails and do freelance work. For stress relief, I play with my cat Cinga. This whole chunk takes about 6 hours of my day.
I am a domestic person by nature. Most days around 6 p.m., I’ll start cooking a nice dinner and end the evening by spending quality time with my husband or myself with a book or Pinterest.
Is there a place you’ve always wanted to travel but haven’t found the time yet?
There are so many! If I had to pick one, it’d be Mongolia.
Which food or drink can you live without?
Margarine. Everyone should be educated about the disadvantages of this harmful, high trans fat product.
If you could be a cartoon character, who will you be?
Sailormoon! Isn’t it such a girl’s fantasy to have a magic ruby pen, long gold locks and a mystery gentleman with red roses to save the day with?
What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?
I was walking along the street in Singapore, when a guy jumped out in front of me and asked if he could buy me a drink some time. I told him I am married and his response was “I’m not looking for a wife. Can I have your number?” I was like . . . “NO!”
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Cindy. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
The definition of “sexy” for men and women differs slightly to me.
I find a woman who: is confident in taking control of her own body, understands the importance of loving herself, and knows how to have fun yet owns strong values, very sexy.
A sexy man to me is a person who reads a lot, is experienced in life, grounded, fit, and most importantly loyal. Because can you hold high regards for a sexy man who is unfaithful?
Follow the beautiful Tey Cindy on:
Creator & Creative Editor of teycindy.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/officialteycindy
Instagram: www.instagram.com/teycindy
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/teycindy
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YouTube: www.youtube.com/teycindy
Twitter: www.twitter.com/teycindy
Images courtesy of Tey Cindy
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