Hi Cheryl thank you for taking the time to answer our questions on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?
HELLO!! Thank you, SimplySxy for having me here! I am so delighted. Well, I’m 20 year old girl who loves exploring new things and I live in a life with full of dreams! I enjoyed my life as a degree business student cum model cum blogger.

How did you get started into modeling and blogging?
It started off after I graduated my high school and coincidentally there was a model search competition going on and I decided to try it out although it wasn’t my thing back then. And soon I found my passion in it so I involved myself actively in more beauty pageants and I’m thankful to have CAD Model Agency to guide me along the road. I started blogging when I was in high school where I loved to rant my nonsense there out of passion and after that I involved myself in the blogging community. I also joined Malaysia Hottest Blogger as a platform to build my passion.
What was the experience like competing in Miss Asian Malaysian International?
It was my 2nd beauty pageant and I have absolutely zero knowledge on what is pageant but still I braced myself to join. Throughout my time competing in the beauty pageant, I learned to become confidently beautiful from inside and outside. It was a wonderful experience and I was lucky enough to walk away my first achievement as 1st runner up. Till then, I never give up even till now.
Name 3 things everyone should do or visit when in Penang?
Penang is a beautiful place! Indeed! Everyone definitely should come visit Penang. All you have to do is eat our local food! You’ll love it. Besides we have colonial heritage buildings that have been on tourist attraction lists, and never forget about the street arts.

Which is the best compliment you have received?
Mmm, I love hearing compliments! It brings me joy and confidence. One of the best compliment is I have a beautiful smile. I remember I used to have a hard time learning how to smile but now I think I’ve mastered them hahah.
If you could be a cartoon character, who will you choose to be?
Blossom from Powerpuff Girls! I can’t think of any cartoon and I just google up for my favourite cartoon and I learned that she is intelligent and has the perfect school attendance! Hahah I need that.
Which is the lamest pickup line or attempt a guy has tried to get to know you?
Believe it or not, I never ever had any guys attempt to say any pick up lines to me. Hahah.
What is an ideal first date to you?
Nothing in particular, spontaneous meetings and will see how we both react to it. Don’t have to make things awkward and we can have fun learning about each other.

It’s a pleasure to feature you Cheryl. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
Thank you for featuring me! To me personally, sexy should not be specifically defined by your body type or the amount of skin showing but more to your personality and being comfortably confident about yourself. That is sexy. Anyone can be sexy if they want to! You don’t need to be someone you are not in order to be sexy.
Follow the lovely Cheryl Loo on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cherylwenneeofficial/
Facebook Personal: https://www.facebook.com/cherylwennee
Instagram: @cherylwennee
Website: www.cherylwennee.blogspot.com
Recently won, Miss Malaysia Global Beauty Queen 2016 (Penang State) – Winner
Miss Malaysia Global Beauty Queen 2016 (National Final) – 2nd Runner Up
Featured image courtesy of Cheryl Loo
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