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The Beautiful Kelly From Winnipeg


The Beautiful Kelly From Winnipeg

Hi Kelly, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Thank you for the feature. I’m Filipino, born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I currently work as a cook at an Italian restaurant. Oh and I’m a twin as well.


How will you describe your fashion style?

My style is both girly and a bit tomboyish haha. I love wearing low cut V-necks dresses, rompers and accessorizing my white purses with a pom pom keychain.

Can you share your beauty regime to looking so gorgeous?

My beauty regime for me is living a healthy lifestyle like eating healthy and exercising and just having confidence in myself. I believe that if you are happy with yourself and the more you love yourself, it will definitely show in your looks.

What is your favorite thing to spend money on?

My favourite thing to spend money on would definitely be food haha! I’m a huge foodie. I love all kinds of food and I’m very open to trying new dishes.


What is the first thing you notice about people?

The first thing I notice about people would be how they introduce their selves. First impressions are important to me. If you don’t talk a lot or don’t even know what to say then you might not have my attention for that long.

Which is the biggest compliment you have received? 

The biggest compliment I have received was that I have a nice smile. Haha cheesy I know, but I always used to be self-conscious about my smile back in high school because I thought I looked a bit funny when I smiled, but since I am more confident in myself than I was before, it does not bother me at all anymore. I get so happy when people compliment my smile.

Lamest pickup line or attempt a guy has used on you? 

I was shopping with my mom at the mall one day and she left me alone for a moment so I sat down and right away this guy wearing shiny gold tights, comes up to me and says “ Would you like to upgrade to the gold package?’ He stood so close to me with his junk in my face. I literally thought he was joking but he looked pretty serious! All I did was laugh and say no thank you.


 If you had a choice of superpower, which will it be and why?

That’s tough one lol. I would say to have super strengths so I don’t have to go the gym all the time haha.

It’s a pleasure to feature you Kelly. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

To me sexy is being confident. Setting goals for yourself and working hard to achieve them. Some people always talk about how they’re going to do this or that in the future but if you are passionate about your goals and you do all you can to get where you want to, then that’s attractive in my opinion.

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Images courtesy of Kelly

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