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Blogger & Vegan Kiyoko Osone


Blogger & Vegan Kiyoko Osone

Hi there! Thank you so much for featuring me on your platform! It is a pleasure to speak with you. My readers span from Tokyo to L.A., and they tend to be professionally-minded millennials of both genders interested in finance. The latter part of the question is rather fragmented– my parents had me much younger, and I grew up in Houston, Texas where my dad was in residency for medical school. I later relocated to Sacramento, and finished my schooling in Los Angeles.

What is the inspiration behind starting your blog?

I simply loved writing, sharing my life, thoughts and ideas. I wanted to empower individuals to realize the economic implications of their choices, and to provide a resource that can help educate them; in undergraduate I was always that kid in the lecture hall that would challenge my professors and had no fear of public speaking as I presented to classrooms; blogging is a means of dispersing ideas to a multitude of individuals, albeit in a less interpersonal way. I wanted individuals to realize that blogging isn’t always just about being a pretty face but curating content that surrounds what you enjoy.

How will you describe your fashion style?

My fashion sense depends on my mood. It is both feminine and edgy; I don’t believe those two are always mutually exclusive.  Mostly, I wear vintage knits, which range from ripped sweaters to nit cables for semi-casual meetings, to full blown tailored suits.

Which common misconceptions about vegans do you usually hear?

The purview of veganism is a broad spectrum, constituting individuals whom are plant-based for health reasons which I fully support to individuals like myself that do it for animal and ethical reasons. A great deal of vegans, especially ones that are more vociferate and radical hate on those that fail to abscond from animal products. When I began my journey and joined this cohort, I did so too, mindlessly before realizing that I was treating animals better than human beings, failing to acknowledge that we as mankind are part of the animal family as well.

For me, veganism is a lifestyle and a personal choice. While I do have a few small second-hand goods and leather products before I became vegan and donated most, I still gift perfectly new completely leather items I receive as a means of respect and not wasting it.

I understand that veganism is simply one way or mode of thought that can co-exist with others that ethically eat, such as those that are vegetarians and buy cage-free eggs, to “ethical” meat eaters. In Japan, there are shrines of animals that are sacrificed and they are appreciated wholly as one in guilt takes their life sustenance for our own.

Do you have any hobbies?

I love cooking, and I love all modes of art.  I am such a bad feminist, but I absolutely enjoy living in the kitchen.

Is there anything you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had the time?

I want to write a book, but I have yet to know what of to write one of. I enjoy the escapades of romance novels, but no one actually needs, another one. I might still try, one of these days.

Would you rather have the superpower of invisibility or mind reading?

Mind reading!

Funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

He was a physician and offered to be my photographer. “Glamour photography” he said. I never met up with him again.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Osone. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy is being free to be yourself. Like the sinoidal S curve that multiplies in integrations of area, sexy encompasses a large breadth of individuals, and is fluid like the river of water.

Being a hot housewife that owns it is sexy. Being a man that wears makeup that owns it is sexy. Being a bossbabe, and wearing size 14 because you are yourself, is sexy. It is not what is defined by anyone else, but you.

Follow the lovely Kiyoko Osone on:

Instagram: @therefinedbanker


Upcoming Works:

John Okada’s No-no Boy: Two Threads, One Mind

Lowering Unemployment, Only Until Inflation Does Not Occur

Images courtesy of Kiyoko Osone

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