Hi Renee it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?
Hey thanks for this opportunity! I’m Renee from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and currently a 17 year old business, art student.

Is there a fashion style you are most attracted to?
I used to be into street wear style but recently there is no specific style that I’m attracted to, because my fashion sense is constantly changing and I also like trying out different styles. I’m more of a “follow the trend” person and love to mix and match my outfits.
Do you have any hobbies?
I play piano and love listening to music depending on my mood. Sometimes I watch dramas or do sporting activities during my free time.

How much of a foodie are you?
On the scale of 1-10, I would rate myself at 7. I look skinny but I tend to eat a lot when it comes to good food. Despite that, I still won’t gain much of weight. Not sure whether that’s a good or a bad thing though.
What in life can you not get enough of?
Chocolate! Literally the best thing in life. I have various types of chocolate at home and still can’t get enough of it. But lately I’ve been trying to control myself from eating too much because I’m not well hydrated. Still, chocolate is bae.

If you could travel, where will you go and why?
Greece, it would be a dream to explore the countless beautiful islands and beaches, and the spectacular castles. Well it’s just amazing being able to go on an adventure to places like these. In fact, having said that they have absolutely incredible views
If you could time travel, where will you go and why?
I rather just stay as how it is right now but if I were to choose, either go back to past or to future, then I’d travel to the future instead, I want to see where my discoveries take me and how I’ll end up being. Also there’s no point of travelling back to the past, what’s done is done.

Which fictional character do you most relate to?
I’m not sure about fictional characters but my friends and I used to make fun of each other with animals. Apparently I was known as the “kangaroo” because I was once a representative for long jump at school.
What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?
There was this guy who tried to start a conversation with me on Instagram by sending a picture of a crashed car saying “sorry just crashed into your DMs by accident”. At first I didn’t know he did it on purpose until I found out it wasn’t which I think it’s kind of funny and lame at the same time.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Renee. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I personally think that sexy comes from personalities, the way how they express themselves and being passionate about everything. Confidence is key because if you are insecure, or if you slouch and look miserable, that’s obviously not attractive nor sexy.
Follow the beautiful Renee Teo on:
Instagram: http://instagram.com/_reneeteo
Images courtesy of Renee Teo
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