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Talented Malaysian DJ Lady Anna


Talented Malaysian DJ Lady Anna

Hi DJ Lady Anna, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

I’m a female DJ based in Kuala Lumpur but was born and raised in the historical city of Malacca.

What do you enjoy most about being a DJ?

I’ve always love performing for people. And being a DJ allows me to play songs that I love and making the crowd enjoy the song as much as I do.

Is there any motto or quote you live by?

Step outside of your comfort zone and never stop growing as an individual.

What is the best compliment you have received?

I’ve received many compliments from fans or people that attend my shows telling me how much they enjoy the music. For me that is the best compliment a DJ can ever get.

Which is your proudest accomplishment so far?

I would say being able to enjoy what I do right now and making others enjoy themselves at the same time.

What kind of movies do you enjoy watching?

I love watching romantic movies filled with action scenes in it. I also love watching reality TV shows.

If you could change anything in this world, what will it be?

I would change the weather here in Malaysia. I’ve always loved the 4 seasons because I can’t stand the heat.

How will you describe an ideal date?

I love watching movies. So maybe an ideal date would be dinner first and a movie later.

It is a pleasure to feature you DJ Lady Anna. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

Sexy for me comes from the inside. Being confident of who you are and never shy to show others. That for me defines sexy.

Follow the beautiful DJ Lady Anna on:


My new collabration singles is going to be released soon in within of 2017. Follow my official social media to get more updates!

Images courtesy of DJ Lady Anna

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