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I Have A Daddy / Daughter Fantasy Fetish

Sex Ed

I Have A Daddy / Daughter Fantasy Fetish

I have a fetish for the Daddy/Daughter fantasy. Though I don’t say it, I fantasize about it whenever I have sex and get my partner to play dress up occasionally. Is this healthy?

Fantasies and fetishes are not uncommon. And the Daddy/daughter one is a classic. Fantasies help us to get inspired for example.

Now, fetishes become a problem when they start being a problem in our life: when you cannot get aroused unless you use/do something related to the fetish 100% of the time, when the person you are with becomes less important than the fetish and when the fetish and thinking about it starts to affect other areas of your life.

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Marce Cruz implemented kink aware therapy on the private practice services and has worked mainly on web therapy as a Sexologist.

Featured image courtesy of Shutterstock

Marcela Cruz

Marce Cruz from Mexico, received her bachelor's degree in Psychology in 2001 at a bilingual University at Mexico City (Universidad de las Américas). She started working in the HR area, and had a part time private practice on general psychology and career orientation. In 2005, Marce implemented kink aware therapy on the private practice services. From 2006, she started working full time as a therapist and on a project basis in the recruitment field. During the same year, she was accepted to study the Masters' degree on sexology (Part of the first generation to use the online mode) at INCISEX (Madrid). During then, she had an Internet radio program where she answered questions from the users and talk different topics and made few interviews before receiving her Masters' degree in 2008. Since 2007, Marce has worked mainly on web therapy.

Get in touch with Marce via emai at


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