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Get featured on SimplySxy!

At SimplySxy, we’re always on the lookout for a different perspective and publish articles on all topics related to sexuality. Not only does your article reach a worldwide audience, you will get to promote your own website and gain valuable writing experience.

How do I submit by article?

Simply fill out the form below. attach your article and we’ll review it. Our editors read each submission within two weeks of receiving it and if your piece is accepted for publishing, we will be in touch through email. Even if your article is not accepted, we will respond to the submission but no feedback will be given.

Things to keep in mind when submitting

Due to the sheer amount of submissions we receive daily, following the instructions below will increase your chances of having your article published.

Articles which are eye-catching and engaging are always more likely to be featured. Here a few tips and instructions to follow when submitting:

  • Ensure your document name is the title of your piece. Titles which are eye-catching and attention grabbing are an advantage.
  • Tell us something new. We are always interested in publishing new content so choose any topic and surprise us.
  • Article must be complete and submitted only once.
  • You may submit under a pen name. However, no changes to the name is allowed once the article is submitted (see above).
  • Articles submitted must be in doc/docx/pdf format.

If you are looking to submit other file formats such as a video or podcast, do drop us an email at and we will get back to you. If you’re a Sexpert or are keen to be a part of the SImplySxy family, please take a look at our Join Us page.



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Your Name *

Provide a short bio for your author profile to be included with your submission. If you've already published with us, please let us know

Attach an image for your author profile

Your Email *

Website, Blogsite, Magazine

Why are you submitting to SimplySxy

Do you wish to become a regular contributor?

Submission Title

Attach your submission *

Do you agree to the below publishing agreement? *

Type in the words below *



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