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Philippines Content Creator, Cherry Candilas


Philippines Content Creator, Cherry Candilas

Hi, I am Cherry Candilas! People used to call me Che. I’m 20 years of age and I am currently living in Pasig City.

How is your fashion style like and where do you draw your fashion inspiration from?

Tbh, I’m not good in fashion. I just get ideas from Pinterest.

How is a typical day like for yourself?

I do my everyday tasks which is editing my photos and posting it on my social media accounts.

Being a Rookie Brand Ambassador/ Content Creator is both an honor and responsibility. It takes time, effort, knowledge and skills to continue what I am doing. It is not about free products from the brands, it’s all about responsibility.

Moreover, I am blessed and grateful for those brands who trusted me.

On a scale of 1-10, how much of an adventurer are you?

Honestly, I’m not a type of person who loves to travel. I’ll rate it as 5/10 haha.

Is there a city or country you’ve always like to travel to for a holiday?

If I have an opportunity to travel, I’m going to Korea and most specially, I’ll go in Palawan and Boracay.

Do you have any hobbies or interests?

Yeaah! I love doing makeups. I can sing (just a little), and I used to dance haha.

Explore my creativeness in photography, product flatlays, product shoots, and lastly video and photo editing.

Apart from makeup, I also have interest in law, reading history, etc.

If you could time travel, what will you like to witness or experience?

I want to see how beautiful the Philippines was back then. I want to witness the culture, and how people take care of our nature.

Also, I want to see the little me. I want to witness how I fought against the reality of life. How can I continue to cope and how can I smile despite what I’m going through?

What is an ideal first date to you?

Hmm. I just want to be simple and romantic.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Cherry. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

For me, sexy is how you love yourself and be confident. We are all sexy no matter what body shape you have. Everyone has their own definition of what is sexy. You can’t please other people to like you, and some people will body shame you.

So, no matter what body shape you have, all you have to do is love yourself and be confident.

Follow the incredible Cherry Candilas on

Instagram: @itsmecherry_xx

Tiktok: itsmecherrryyy

Facebook Page: ChrryCndls


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