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Toronto Published Model Juria Mei


Toronto Published Model Juria Mei

Often times, being a model, that’s what inspires me the most.

Later, learning the details of photography started to inspire me in my work as well. It made me understand lighting, aperture, ISO and shutter speed and allowed me to become more knowledgeable in the industry – and thus becoming a better model for my photographers as well.

Do you have a beauty regime you follow to look so beautiful?

I never skip on moisturizing and toner. I naturally have drier skin, and moisturizer is my go to for all skin problems.

How do you like to spend your weekends?

I spend my weekends with my family. It’s days I spend prepping for the next week – aka groceries, cleaning, laundry. Nothing too fun or exciting.

Is there any food or drink you don’t take?

I’m not much of a picky eater. My mom was very strict when it came to food when I was growing up – I tend to eat everything put infront of me.

I do tend to stay away from cheese though…

Which was the last movie you watched and was it any good?

Deadpool 2. Need I say more? Haha

If you could have a super power, what will it be?

Teleportation would be my go to super power. Traffic and commute time is the bane of my existence.

What is a lame or funny attempt a guy has tried to know you?

Actually believe it or not, I’m pretty intimidating to a lot of people. I don’t normally get guys trying to get to know me haha.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Juria. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy is confidence in yourself. Confidence in what you do. Confidence in how you do it.

Sexy is how you feel about yourself, not how other people feel about you.

Follow the beautiful Juria Mei on:

Instagram: @juriameow 



Stay tuned on my Instagram for upcoming works. I’ll be releasing a dance series soon as well as a studio portrait series

Images courtesy of Juria Mei

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