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Indonesian Model Donna Holiwod


Indonesian Model Donna Holiwod

Hi Donna it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hi! Thanks for having me in this interview! I’m Indonesian and I currently live in Bali. I like to travel a lot, actually I never really lived in one city for more than 3 yrs in the past 11 yrs (but to be honest Bali is amazing!). I work full time in a 5 star hotel in Bali, I do part-time modelling in my free time, I dance, and I love pizza.

What is your secret to looking so fabulous?

Hahaha thanks! Well, if you wanna look fabulous, you should feel fabulous! It’s all in your head y’know 😉

Which is the best compliment you have received?

That I have a beautiful smile (since I feel I look weird when I smile).

How big is your shoe collection?

I wouldn’t say it’s big. I have a couple of shoes, and heels, and stuff, but I always go back to wearing the same thing, and they are mostly slippers (because who wear shoes/heels in Bali, duh, and they’re freakin’ comfortable)

Where do you usually love to shop from?

I shop from anywhere, but not online. I prefer to see, touch, and try the stuff before I purchase them.

If you could have a superpower, what will it be?

It would be the ability to fly. How amazing it is to be up in the sky, with the wind blowing your hair, and always able to skydive whenever you want haha!

What flavor would you say best describes you?


Funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

Oh gosh this is the most hilarious for me. There was this guy, he messaged me on Instagram: “Donna, we should go to the beach together because I like you and you seem kinda cute, so nothing is gonna stop us now”. I swear I couldn’t stop laughing for like 10 mins.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Donna. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy is all about how you present yourself. The attitude, confidence, behavior, knowledge, it’s not really about your physical appearance (but keeping your healthy fit shape will help too).

Follow the gorgeous Donna Holiwod on:

Instagram: @donnaholiwod

Images courtesy of Donna Holiwod

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