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Shibari and Kinbaku rope model Jenny Rose


Shibari and Kinbaku rope model Jenny Rose

It doesn’t matter if you’re a fan of Shibari/Kinbaku or not. Looking at rope model Jenny Rose in all the knots she’s in keeps one in awe at the variety of styles available and skilled techniques required. We take this unique opportunity to find out more from Jenny about Shibari and Kinbaku, an interview you won’t want to miss!

Hi Jenny, it’s a great pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

I’m a rope model based in Melbourne, who only bottoms for my rope top, Harumitsu. Most of the ties we do are Shibari/Kinbaku.


Where did your interest in Shibari and Kinbaku come from?

I’ve always been really fascinated with the idea of bondage and restraint even since I knew its existence. It was only from the recent years did I have the urge to learn how to safely self-tie and self suspend did I come across Melbourne Rope Dojo, where they taught Shibari and Kinbaku. The more I learnt about it, the more I fell in love with it as I felt like it was something that I could deeply relate it.

For the unacquainted, can you tell us the difference between Shibari and Kinbaku?

I heard that in Japan, the terms are pretty much interchangeable.

From our teachers (sensei/s), Shibari to them means bondage tying and Kinbaku means ‘Shibari plus emotional connection’.


Some of the pictures of the rope-binding look very complex. How long does a typical session take?

It can be from half an hour to a couple of hours, depending on what was planned for the session; whether it is for a specific tie/s practice, free style tying or a photo shoot session.

What are some types of common knots when it comes to Shibari or Kinbaku?

Traditional Shibari hardly uses any knots but a series of wraps and frictions to create a desired look. Most ties start with a single or double column tie, containing a reef knot or similar locking knot then continues with wraps, frictions and tension to create the finished tie.


Can you give some safety tips for those who are new to rope bondage and keen to try it out for themselves?

Head to a rope dojo or a peer group in your area. It’s the best place to learn and to meet experienced players out there. If you are only keen to get tied, get to know your potential rope top, their style and intentions. Meeting with them in a group setting like a workshop or class will give you some time to get comfortable with them in safe surroundings.


What runs through your mind and how do you feel when you are tied up?

It depends on the scene and the moment. I don’t really think much.

When I’m tied up, it normally feels tight (because that is how I like it) and snuggly and my all senses would amplify.

It also depends on the intention of my rope top, whether it is just a practice tie or if she wants to communicate to me via rope. If it’s the latter, I normally get into this headspace where it feels like there’s no one else in the room but just her and I. Sometimes she’ll make me feel more uncomfortable, by manoeuvring or tightening the ropes to add some discomfort but other times, it can be soft, sensual and intimate. Depending on the intensity of the scene or if I’m being suspended, I can fall into a deep sinking feeling and just space out.


Photo Credit: Audrey_Fatale

Thank you for taking your time to answer our questions on SimplySxy, Jenny. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Being able to express your authentic self.

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All rope work and images courtesy of Harumitsu unless stated otherwise.

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