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Babe of the day: Rachel Goh


Babe of the day: Rachel Goh

SimplySxy: Hi Rachel, thank you very much for your time taken to answer our questions on SimplySxy. Can you share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Rachel: Hi, thank you for having me. I was born in Malaysia but raised in Singapore since young. I’m hitting 20 in November and I’m currently working as a broker in the agriculture commodities industry.


SimplySxy: How will you describe your personal fashion style?

Rachel: Hmmm, I would say it’s classicists/minimalistic. Often, I stick to my staples. Sometimes, when I feel like it, I might just throw on something bright or fun. Of course, I still do try to switch it up once in awhile and try out other styles.

SimplySxy: What will be your choice of style if you are going for the sexy look?

Rachel: I will say I will go for the LBD look or pair a crop with jeans.


SimplySxy: Where will we most likely find you partying away on a Saturday night?

Rachel: Hahaha, you will most probably find me lounging around my apartment, watching movies in bed. Otherwise, I’m most likely to be catching up with my girlfriends.

SimplySxy: Your favourite alcoholic drink? 

Rachel: I really enjoy pina colada when I’m just chilling by the seaside, but most of the time, you’d probably see me grabbing a beer. If I’m feeling extra fancy, then scotch on the rocks.


SimplySxy: Can you share with us 3 fun facts about yourself?

Rachel: I achieved my black belt in Taekwondo when I was 16. Second, I can actually sleep for one whole day, which I meant full on 24hours, and not wake up for a tiny bit. Lastly, I’m a glutton, I like to explore around for good food. 

SimplySxy: What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Rachel: I don’t think I’ve ever done anything crazy after going through 20 years of life.


SimplySxy: It’s been a great pleasure to have you on SimplySxy, Rachel. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

Rachel: Wearing lesser clothes doesn’t mean sexy, well at least to me. I see sexiness in one where they love every inch of themselves despite living in such a judgemental society. I see sexy in one when they have this inner confidence in them. I see sexy where I see them having a sense of humour.

Lastly, thank you Simplysxy for giving me this opportunity. It’s my upmost pleasure and honoured to be working with such great team and get a chance to be featured.

Follow the beautiful Rachel on:
Instagram: @rachelgxr

Twitter: @rachelgsr


Featured image courtesy of Rachel

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