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Polish Model Magdalena Nowak


Polish Model Magdalena Nowak

I’m From Poland, exactly from one of the biggest cities In my country – Krakow 🙂 

Where do you get your fashion inspiration from?

My fashion inspiration I get is from my job. Working as a model introduced me to the fashion world every day, letting me discover new trends during the shootings with brands or designers.

Do you have any favorite quotes or mottos you like to use?

My whole life I was trying to find the best quote for myself and finally having already had big life experiences, I can easily say that “use your life as much as u can” and “do whatever makes you happy” are my mottos which provides my future. 

What if your proudest achievement so far?

My proudest achievement is my son, he gives me so much strength and showed me that no possibilities can get closed after having a baby, and actually all possibilities get even more opened.

Thanks to him I’ve discovered myself and realized that I’m much stronger than I thought and coming back to the shape and working as a model after labour was very possible.

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a foodie are you?

Definitely a 10! I love food as much as I love to sleep! 

Unfortunately I can’t eat as much as I want to be a model, and same with sleeping, because my son loves to be awake at night, haha 🙂 

What have you always wanted to do but have yet to find the time for it?

There’s no time barriers for me. I will always find time for what I put as my purpose, can say that I’ve always wanted to live in an exotic country and the only thing that stops me from that is the wrong time right now, and I’m sure when the time passes, I will be able to move. 

If you could have a super power, what will it be?

If I would have a super power, I would definitely look into peoples’ minds, as I’m always thinking what a person has inside their mind and if they’re are true intentions.

What turns you off on a date?

That’s actually a good question. What turns me Off on a date is when the man is boring. I like it when I’m teased a little bit. And love to be excited about the person I’m dating. 

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Magdalena. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Two worlds to describe sexy for me:


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Images courtesy of Magdalena Nowak

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